I'll try to answer your question here.. if you can understand my english
and forgive me my language mistakes. We have 2 US in our team which check and help us with our official english mainly, but they aren't allways online, and we don't want to wait sometimes too long to replay.
As we answered in FAQ, $50K is a low goal - I agree, but it will be sufficient to finish our project, because we will invest into it our own money and time, as well the cost of living//working in Poland is slightly smaller than the U.S. or Western Europe. And.. we allready have $35.000 so we can hit $70.000- $80.000 ? The more we get, the more polished game we will be able to give you with more graphic/music content and better game features
And yes - publishers allready contacted us.. but at now, we want to do this game with support of our backers. But we have talks with some companies to support us.
If you have any question.. just ask
But I may replay tomorrow because it's 3AM here