And Kalpyso (Publisher) Gives you a thank you for your wasting money on their inferior incomplete crap.
This was what I had a beef with. Of course I didn't see that second paragraph after your link. Sorry about that.
Still stand by my opinion though.
The developer didn't plan on the game company going bankrupt. To make the game free or cheaper could immediately open all sorts of liabilities which could actually bankrupt them. It takes time to actually lower the prices from the distrubtors as well, so I wouldn't be fully surprised if there is a price drop shortly.
Caveat emptor.
It isn't right, but it isn't new. The developer might have plead with the publisher to sell the game incomplete to get more funds to fix the games, but it didn't work out for them so the game remains incomplete. If the developer is going bankrupt they aren't making the sales they expected, so the publisher has an interest to get as money as they can. There won't be a sequel, probably not another 4x by them I'd wager, so why do they care? Looking at Kalypso's games, they aren't really caring about their opinion.
We both agree on the solution no doubt.
Don't support incomplete games. Ever.
Which is why I don't preorder games anymore.