Yeah but you try and do a proper AI or intercept resolver for a newtonian fleet simulation. The problem has been talked about there a lot, but at the end of it we found that there is no resolver for 2 ships gracefully meeting in a newtonian movement.
There is no way to predict where a ship in a curved trajectory is going to be, because where it's going to be is literally unpredictable, as long as it applies thrust all the variables constantly change, if you have a resolve it is going to be wrong the next millisecond.
You could approximate but then Star Ruler ran at 0.01fps. And you can't multi-thread this calculation because where ships are going is a physics/movement thing. And that need to be synced at all times!
Or basically, if you want newtonian space battles you have to wait until the cpu speeds per core get a 0 more, 30ghz or there about....
only way Star Ruler even ran at all was by limiting the intercept to a linear - snapshop intercept. That means, when you give the order it calculates the intercept that is valid... unless the other ship moves. Then you are going to overshoot and experience space ballette (the bull situation comes from the fact that due to precision issues ships can not take into account braking distance properly, you might laugh, but the precision issue was so drastic that ships could miss an half a solar system on a large map depending on the speeds.
I often tried to get predictive target resolver into Star Ruler but you won't believe it, there is nobody around in game development who has a clue how to code one that doesn't crawl down into a slideshow when more than 50 ships are involved.... It is why newtonian physics do not work for 4x games. They will never.
By the way, the problem was compounded by the fact that BOTH ships could accelerate or de-accelerate at any time, so not only could you never intercept, but the ship could only possible intercept if it could instantly change it's vector, which it can't. So no matter what you code, your fleets will never gracefully meet in space.