I haven't beaten the cut challenge myself honestly, I will redo it since I got a medal that will help me in the final level.
Cut Points themself are neither really good nor bad. they fall into a niche where you rarely will notice them: As group killers. But because of the Ortho point that is waaay easier to predict and handle, people prefer that one even if the Cut point does actually more damage.
The problem with cut point is how unpredicatable he works. On the first level he attacks the fastest but looses attack speed on every level afterwards.Even on the last one (level 7) which is for most other points the "rage mode" where they fire uncontrollably, the cut point has a rather bad firing speed. However, his attack damage is quite high than with a BIG splash radius. Even more if you got the medal (double splash). What makes him so great in that? He looses no damage on each target he hits. Other multihitters like Ortho and Courage loose damage on each enemy they hit. Cut point doesn't a fulyl upgraded and outfittet cut point can kill an entire spwn with one hit if well aimed.
And thsi is his problem: Aiming. he has none, he shoots in circles around him. And like you said, the player will ignore him for the most time because he is busy with other stuff. Strategist points help a lot because they rederict the mines to your targets. That's why you always shoul use them together if possible. If you don't have one but still want to redirect cut mines, use your charge attack. it does simply the same as a strategist point, you even can use it while it is charging to "collect" mines and move them to enemies. This is however tricky, so it's better if you simply use the charge attack instead of the charging process.
So to sum it: Cut points are situational where place them and how you upgrade them. A low level cut point fires more but weaker bullets, its ideal for a mine carpet to catch weakened enemies that slipped thorugh your other defenes. Put multiple of these towards the end of the path and they will get caught by the mines and die. Put higher level cut points at the start and the middle of the path, use your charge attacks or strategist points to direct them directly into enemies. Since he has a terrible fire rate it is very unlikely that he will hit an enemy by himself. They low level ones do and do a pretty good job at that (if you put them in circles) but not the higher, stronger ones.
keep in mind, the stronger ones are still the better ones because they do more damage and have a big radius. If you do 100.000 damage, you do it to everyone in the explosion radius. Aim for enemies int he middle of groups, not at teh start. Otherwise you wll loose effective AOE.
Also, if you don't have it already, the Eye of Corybantes (medal) can slow down enemies you hit. That won't help at cut campaign 3, but in other levels it will, since slower enemies are easiert o hit with the mines.
I hope this helpes you. Let me know if you beat the last level and how you did it.
Also, I have trouble with one boss on Challenge 100%.
If anyone knows how you can beat it, let me know. That is, for the highest difficulty, on lower diffulties I have no troubles whatsoever.
Edit: Just finished the cut challenge. You should propably set the viual settings to the lowest because in the last level it is very hard to see enemies and you have almost no lives. You cannot allow to let even a single enemy slip, so seeing them is the key to winning.
Spread out your cut points alot, put more of them toward the middle and at circles, upgrade evry single one to at leats level 3 and then upgrade one at the middle as high as possible. Spend your rest cache on strategist points, level one of them as much as possible.
They key to winnign this is to attract as many mines as possible with the strategist points, that's why you have to spread them out, otherwise you have only chokepoints and those won't work here because the neemies move too fast. It's better if you have miens aviable from every possible angle. The strategist points needs to do at least 60% damage. You have to wear them down as much as possible before they get hit by mines, so they die (hopefully) in one hit. If you notice deficits in certain areas, improve them. If an area is not covered in mines enough, build a new cut point, if mines don't do enough damage to kill an enemy, upgrade them, if you generally notice that enemies don't die fast enough, upgrade your strategist points for more percent damage. That way you should manage to win. And move around a lot, the enemies are really fast in this level and if you cannot catch up with them, you loose. Also, don't upgrade all your mines to max, you need MORE mines but also STRONG mines, therefore it is advised to have one single strong point and several cut points at level 3-4. If you have enough cache you can also buy a second or third strong cut point around level 5-6. These shoudl be in the middle so they can be attracted from any direction on the path.