Author Topic: Humble Update: 40,000 Bundles Sold, $135,000 Earned (3 Days Left!)  (Read 1549 times)

Offline cupogoodness

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Humble Update: 40,000 Bundles Sold, $135,000 Earned (3 Days Left!)
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:15:04 pm »
Originally posted:

Our Humble Bundle Weekly Sale, which kicked off last Thursday, has now surpassed 40,000 sales and $135,000 earned! 

With three days* remaining in the sale (at time of writing), we're still trying to get the word out to everyone who might be interested in owning our entire catalog for a Lincoln and change. So special thanks to all those helping with the retweeets, facebook posts, and other methods of spreading the news -- it's massively appreciated.

There's been a nice outpouring of support from the press for the sale as well, along with some PAX previews on Bionic Dues and other new Arcen-related coverage to share:

The Game Design Round Table -- Episode #39: Skyward Collapse, AI and Business. With Chris Park
Indie Game Magazine -- Developer Chat: Chris Park On 'Skyward Collapse' Expansion 'Nihon no Mura'
Just Press Start -- Humble Weekly Bundle Featuring Arcen Games!
Game Debate -- Humble Weekly Bundle From Arcen Games
EzPzJoystiq -- A Valley Without Wind 1 Humble Bundle
?????? ??????? -- Humble Bundle Presents A Valley Without Wind 2

Skyward Collapse
A Bear In Clothing -- Skyward Collapse turns the god game genre on its head
Game Podunk -- Review: Skyward Collapse (9/10)
Video Games Uncovered -- Skyward Collapse Review (75/100)
Game Critics -- Skyward Collapse Review
Blackman'n Robin -- Skyward Collapse Review (3.5/5)
Nerd Maldito -- Skyward Collapse: A game about war and free will (Portuguese)
War Gamer -- Skyward Collapse Review (French)
Blue's News -- Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura Preorders
PC Games Network -- Skyward Collapse expansion Nihon no Mura on its way
Rock, Paper, Shotgun -- Skyward Collapse’s Nihon no Mura Expansion
PC Gamer -- Skyward Collapse to get first expansion, Nihon no Mura
VG247 -- Skyward Collapse Nihon no Mura expansion hits beta -- The Japanese join the Norse and the Greeks on Skyward Collapse
Gamer's Hell -- Skyward Collapse Nihon no Mura Released and Trailer
Game 4 Me -- Skyward Collapse expansion in beta and pre-order via website (Dutch)
Game Side Story -- An extension for Skyward Collapse (French)
Pixel Perfect Gaming -- Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura – Now Available for Pre-Ordering
Game Is War The Skyward Collapse Nihon no Mura Expansion Enters Beta (Spanish)
I Luv Games -- Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura Expansion Beta Pre-order
JayPlaysIndieGames -- Skyward Collapse Episode 4 The World Tree Returns

Everything Else
ZinthoGaming -- AI War: Building up the Home World
Various Ren -- AI War - Part 2: Swaphilia, the Love of Swapping my Bullets for their Systems
Infognito -- A Valley Without Wind 11 Co-op with Denox (Russian)
Kikiokyo -- Tidalis Adventure
My Play -- Tidalis Review (Italian) (8/10)

*Sale ends Thursday, September 12th at 11 AM Pacific.