One thing to remember is that there are thousands and thousands of folks who want to make it as game designers or game programmers. Most have no experience whatsoever, and just "a great idea" that usually isn't so great. A lot of them also see game design as something that is easy and fun and casual, not a serious job. That "aura of procrastination" is something that a lot of them have in common, and that's the sort of aura that prevents most of them from getting hired.
If you want to work in the industry, there are a hundred avenues you can take. You can learn one of many languages (C#, Java, Python, ActionScript, or the industry-standard C++) or one of many game development toolkits (Torque, GameMaker, Unity etc) or one of many 3D engines (Unreal, etc ).
Ones that are most respected out of that list: C++ and Unreal. Why? Because they are the most hardcore, in some respects the most powerful, and in general require the most commitment. I don't use C++ because I don't believe in the loss of productivity it embodies compared to something more streamlined like C#. However, there's still a stigma that I have to overcome at times about why I make my choice, and why it's not a cop-out lazy choice.
Other things, like use of a game development toolkit at all, often come with an even bigger stigma. Those are seen as hobbyist tools for people who want easy-ins and do non-serious work. Of course, that's because the variety of games produced via those tools are hobbyist and nonserious. Those folks who create something amazing with those tools do get more respect, but there is still something of a stigma from the hardcore purists.
Short answer: there's no easy in, anywhere. People in the industry want to see you working insane hours, on your own time, for free, because you love it that much. They want to see that you know your stuff backwards and forwards, and that you are constantly learning more rather than resting on your laurels. Alternatively, they want to see that, whatever your methods, you've produced something noteworthy in the past. Or, to some extent, gone to a noteworthy game development college program, but they want to see that you produced something notable there, too, with your team.
I'm not trying to scare you off, here, but I think that a lot of young game-players have starry-eyed notions about the industry at large that need to be dispelled, and which will be dispelled sooner or later. In my view, this is not a very humane industry overall. There is a reason that most developers burn out in their 30s, and that those in their 40s and 50s are "old" and a rarity. The hours are long, the deadlines are everpresent and stressful, and you really have to love what you do with a passion -- and be excellent at it -- to have any sort of decision-making power. I know some smart guys who work for AAA studios doing really mundane stuff, like menu design, as their sole and only purpose. The game industry is a job, it's a hard job, and for many it is not a terribly fun job.
There are exceptions out there; if you can find just the right development shop, the experience can be very different. Or if you are able to successfully launch your own indie studio, or get picked up by an existing indie studio, you'll be able to make a lot more direct contributions to the team. In my opinion, aside from a few key developers in the AAA realm, indie is where it is good to be. But even there, it's not rosy at all, you have to get really lucky and work insanely hard, too. In my own case, I've been enormously successful as far as indies go, in the top 1% or more financially, but it's still not a given that I'll be in business in a year or two years.
The core problem as both an indie and as someone looking to enter the AAA industry is this: there is far more supply than demand. You're going up against hobbyists who have dabbled and maybe thought a tad about game development, as well as lifelong diehards who have been doing something game-development-related their entire lives, as well as those folks caught in the middle who caught the bug late, but are super serious about it now. If you're in the first group, you might as well not waste your time unless you're willing to join the ranks of that third group.
So, there is a path for you to the industry, but here's what it is:
- Lose any notions of procrastination, and find some aspect of game development that you are willing to work really, really hard on.
- Find some sort of day job -- QA tester is cool, if you can find that, or whatever else works -- while you perfect that aspect of game development that you are focusing on.
- Expect to spend a few years on the above, whether you choose art, programming, or design. It takes at least a few years to become proficient at any of them, and you also have to have a certain amount of natural talent for whichever discipline you choose. If you're very lucky or talented, you can shortcut that part some, but as a general rule people should not count on that.
- Meantime, keep sending out resumes/CVs to companies that you think might want to hire you, and make sure that if you get any interviews that your dedication is what shines through.
My own story goes basically like this:
- Loved games since I was a kid, started designing hobby levels on a regular basis when I was somewhere between 9 and 11.
- Designed levels for myself and friends to play throughout my teenage years, on a consistent and ongoing basis for a dozen games, and dabbled a bit in game programming with QBASIC.
- Went off to college intending to become a software developer for unrelated purposes (despite my love of creating video games, I never considered it a valid career because of the barriers to entry and the horror stories of working in a AAA studio).
- During my time at college, I fell in love with C#, and started programming my own games on the side, as well as making my own 2D game engine.
- 5 years after that, I finally started working on my own IP instead of just working on unreleased Mario clones, and started developing out Alden Ridge in earnest (this was 2008).
- Things were working well, but not perfectly, with that game. It had some problems I knew I would have to fix, but was getting too burned out with the game to really tackle at that stage.
- Therefore, the other idea that was really exciting me at the time, AI War, instead took over my attention and I created that in about 7 months.
- Then you know the story from after it was released, and even that part of it has not been an easy road. I didn't actually take any money for myself until December 2009, after having been working insane hours for a few years, and spending several thousand dollars of my own money, to get the company and the game launched.
- Now I'm in a position where I am more successful than the huge majority indies, but not nearly at that blockbuster status. We have to keep making more games in order to survive, and they have to be popular on par with AI War or better (incidentally, this is the curse of the AAA studios, too, if they hope to stay in business).
The thing to notice about that story is that there were long, long stretches of time involved, and tons and tons of unpaid hours that I have still not recouped. If you factor all of my time that I have spent on AI War, I probably have made less than minimum wage. But, that's okay, because I love it. But anyone looking for an easy in, or seeing the more glamorous aspects of game development without the more challenging sides of them, needs to be cautioned in order to avoid worse heartbreak later. It's entirely possible that this is the industry for you, and you may have an easier or a harder time than I had it. There's a lot of chance involved in the whole thing. But it's important to know what you are getting into, and what will most impress any potential employers: dedication, self-motivation, and experience making good games (whether on a volunteer, professional, or hobbyist basis, it does not matter). Those count more than education, but education can be a really good way to go.
Actually, there is one easy in that I know of: a 4-year degree from someplace like Digipen or Full Sail. Compared to any other avenue into the industry, from what I can tell those are the easiest paths (and, in many respects, the shortest -- only four years!). I guess that speaks volumes about this industry, when the "easy in" path takes four years. It's a great industry in many respects, but it is not an easy one.