Definitely No Man's Sky. That one looks like something I'd get endless hours out of. It just needs to release sometime this millennium. Been eagerly awaiting this one for a long time. But I'm going to resist pre-ordering. Last couple of times I did that, it didn't end well (particularly the newest Anno, which is awful).
Star Citizen is a big, big no. Particularly after seeing what they're doing with their pricing on things you can already buy. It's ridiculous. And the development crawls at a snail's pace, and apparently there's a lot of internal problems... I've honestly heard nothing but bad stuff about this one.
Everspace, now that sure sounds interesting. That's another "my sort of thing" game. I'd never heard of it before! I think I'll be watching that for the playable alpha to begin. Looks like fun.
Infinity doesn't really grab me at all.