I just made an account here so I could post this.
Tried the demo of this game on Steam, after reading about the premise, and after the 3 hour limit for the campaign came up, I decided that I definitely wanted this game. I bought it and the expansion right then and there, and holy crap! This is definitely one of the best games out there, IMO.
Just wanted to thank all the awesome devs here at Arcen Games for creating this game. The way the AI acts, it's like I'm working with a piece of art, instead of just playing a game. It's almost like the AI has the ability to feel threatened! I don't think I've ever had such an intellectually engaging match with a computer before. I actually *feel* like a commander of an army after playing this xD.
I think my favourite moment was when I decided to send a nuke through the last stronghold the AI had set up... it was like tossing a baseball bat at a beehive
should have seen the look on my face when I saw 900 core-level ships streaming out of there heading DIRECTLY towards my territory after that! If I hadn't destroyed the last AI in time, I'd have been toast! They were maybe 1 jump away from my home world when I blew that thing up.
So yeah, keep those expansions coming, please! I'm absolutely thrilled by this, and I can say that this was easily the best $30 I've spent all year (game + expansion xD). Thank you so much!