33% off Ghosts is even a meaningless discount. It still ends up being a $40 game...
I know a shitton of console gamers who would, could, and already have paid full price for it. In fact they'd probably be at each other's throat for a deal like this.
And it gets worst game of the year from Yahtzee.
And I can agree with Yahtzee.
I'm with the ones here that really hate modern warfare FPS games. And I mean ALOT. Hate hate hate hate hate. What they did to the genre perpetually ticks me off. I used to LOVE the FPS genre, back in the day. Doom remains an all-time favorite of mine, and so many games along that line. Lots of exploration to do in huge sprawling levels full of complexity, fast and furious combat where you have to (gasp!) actually DODGE THINGS (a concept that modern FPS designers DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHATSOEVER), tons of enemies everywhere, each with varying levels of health, different movement/behavior/speed, different attacks, and so on, huge impressive bosses, tons of different weapons and items, and all in all, gameplay that is just GOOD all around, and requires lots of skill. Oh, and taking hits in these actually freaking matters. Wanna heal? You use items from your inventory, if you're playing a game like Hexen that HAS an inventory, or otherwise you grab pickups from around the level, which are LIMITED.
Modern games? Hahahaha NO. Let's see... inability to carry more than half a weapon at the same time.... cant be confusing our players, after all, with CHOICES!!!! They might not get their free win card if we do that! Regenerating health, a concept that just sucks so much of the challenge out of the genre.... all you have to do is back up into an already cleared area and STAND THERE for a moment, and your guy magically heals! Realism? I THINK NOT. Then we've got cover systems.... holy hell do I hate these. All that dodging in the older games, with fireballs and lasers and crazy crap coming from all directions to create an exciting and purely skill-based battle of epic proportions? Hah. Not here! You hide behind a box, and every now and then you push a single button to pop out halfway, shoot, and then pop back down and heal some more before firing again. And your enemies are dumber than a sack of hammers, so they wont like, you know, come after you or something. They'll do exactly the same. Predictable! And then there's the levels. Argh. Argh. ARGH. Boring places, linear in all aspects.... cant have our players getting LOST, after all! They might not be able to see the rest of the movie.... er, game, that is. They wont get the full EXPERIENCE! Cant have them actually losing, after all! They might not buy our next boring and easy product if that happens! Oh, and the core thing I've always absolutely freaking loathed in any FPS that ever was for any conceivable reason: Sniping. ARGH. Of all things, by far the most bloody boring. It's at it's most phenomenally dull in single-player modes in these games, because again, the enemies that make bags of tools look smart.... they're not going to be HARD to hit, particularly when you're stealthed (which usually you are). And in multiplayer, it's at it's most ANNOYING. Moving along, and BAM YOU'RE DEAD, due to an invisible opponent that shot your slow-moving dude exactly once.... sometimes a whole TWO times! ZOMG! Oh, and let's not forget waypoints! Again, cant have the player getting lost.... they might not reach the next cutscene! Cutscenes.... another thing I loathe, and something which just blows the pacing to hell.
Really, this whole genre went from AMAZING to HYPERSUCK. And no, I dont give an exploded rat about "realism". These games? They aint realism (again, things like regenerating health, among all sorts of other things that undo the idea of anything being realistic).Oh they TRY it, but then they trip over their own feet. And the difficulty is nonexistent compared to many old ones. Oh, I'm thinking plenty of players would disagree with that one.... but I've noticed that a major reason why people think games like these are hard, is simply due to the fact that modern games as a whole are so stupidly easy by default. It's why you see games like Dark Souls being called "the hardest game ever!!!111". Hint, it's not. Damn near every game I'm really into is harder than that one. Demon's Souls / Dark Souls seriously arent that hard, particularly once you understand the patterns of the enemies you face; the combat is kinda slow-paced, so you dont have to react super fast during combat. Memorize the patterns, and you've got all you need to start plowing through the game, just like in the first one. That's not to say it's a bad game, as it isnt... at least the devs put SOME difficulty into it. I applaud them for that. But still, SO many games, just like the majority of the FPS genre in recent years, hold the players' hands SO much that they dont know what actual difficulty is.
And just to add insult to injury, I leave you with the best possible example of all of this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4yIxUOWrtwThink of the way the original Doom plays. How it works, how the game flow is, what the levels are like, the exploration, the enemies, the excitement. And then watch this video, and possibly the two parts that follow it. And note the major contrast. And the thing is, while it's kinda funny, what the video shows is absolutely true, in that it really is how devs these days think now and how they approach all of this.
And these are supposed to be good games?
Just..... no.
I'll stick with my epic battles against 10 zillion fireball-spraying demons amongst a room full of crushers and lava and arrow traps, thanks. MUCH more exciting than hiding behind that box.