Author Topic: FTL: A space based roguelike  (Read 51472 times)

Offline icepick37

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #165 on: September 26, 2012, 01:39:10 pm »
Right.  xD  Should've guessed that, haha.

Offline KingIsaacLinksr

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #166 on: September 26, 2012, 02:32:14 pm »
What kind of person does that?
Nerd + Time-on-hands + Desire-to-work-on-game-project => Catastrophic-consequences

What nerd has time on their hands? I sure as heck never did.
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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #167 on: September 26, 2012, 03:20:18 pm »
You'll almost certainly have encountered the second random event, as it's a favourite of the RNG's, especially in Zoltan space.

It's also quite likely you've encountered the first random event but (a) not in the same run as the second; (b) in the same run but AFTER you'd already encountered the second; (c) not chosen the relevant option in that event; or (d) had the RNG produce a different outcome from selecting the correct option in that event.

Note that the second can happen multiple times in a single run, I've seen it three times in one. Also the final one only happens in a specific sector type so you'll want to plot a course that includes as many sectors of that type's color as possible to increase your chances.

Offline zebramatt

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #168 on: September 26, 2012, 04:03:51 pm »
What kind of person does that?
Nerd + Time-on-hands + Desire-to-work-on-game-project => Catastrophic-consequences
This. :P

I imagine this has something to do with the FTL developers throwing their toys at anyone who comments on how they're really excited to see one of the additional features they'd planned make it into the game in a future release. "We never expected it to be like this!" They yell as they dash for the hills. Noble fan steps up to the rescue, townspeople rejoice.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #169 on: September 26, 2012, 04:24:02 pm »
Noble fan steps up to the rescue, townspeople rejoice.
Or townspeople tear the fan to pieces to placate their rage.  Depends on the random event roll and whether you have a crew teleporter at the time.
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Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #170 on: September 26, 2012, 04:47:29 pm »
Noble fan steps up to the rescue, townspeople rejoice.
Or townspeople tear the fan to pieces to placate their rage.  Depends on the random event roll and whether you have a crew teleporter at the time.
XD! KEITH! STOP! You'll be owing me a new spleen soon!
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #171 on: September 26, 2012, 04:57:35 pm »
Just open the exterior doors to vent it and it should cool off.  Hope your O2 system is working, though.
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Offline KingIsaacLinksr

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #172 on: September 26, 2012, 04:58:50 pm »
Just open the exterior doors to vent it and it should cool off.  Hope your O2 system is working, though.

Oops, shot it with an ion blast.
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #173 on: September 26, 2012, 05:01:13 pm »
PvP FTL would be an extreme emergent cheese cultivator.
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Offline icepick37

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #174 on: September 26, 2012, 05:45:25 pm »
I imagine this has something to do with the FTL developers throwing their toys at anyone who comments on how they're really excited to see one of the additional features they'd planned make it into the game in a future release. "We never expected it to be like this!" They yell as they dash for the hills. Noble fan steps up to the rescue, townspeople rejoice.
Yeah, how dare they be a two man crew or take a break. We want all the things and we want them now!

Offline Wingflier

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #175 on: September 26, 2012, 06:28:43 pm »
Just got to Round 10 a second time:

This time I was a bit unfortunate, I knew I couldn't win.

I actually had a really good setup against most things, it was just a bit weak against anything with 4 shields, and completely ineffective against anything with 4 shields and a defense drone :(

I used the Kestral Type A.  I had 3 shields, a shield recharge augmenter, and a MK2 defensive drone.  Unfortunately my weapons, though very cost effective, were quite weak (comparatively).  I kept the Artemis and MK2 Burst Cannon I started with, but I added a Pike Cannon to the mix.  The strategy was to hit the shield module with a missile, further damage it with a few burst cannon shots, then when an opening appeared, rip the enemy's hull apart with the Pike Cannon.  The strategy relied quite a bit on luck, as if the missile or the burst cannon shots missed, the shields wouldn't go down.  If the shields didn't go down, the Pike Cannon was useless.  Fortunately I had a powerful defensive setup, so I had plenty of time for my luck to finally "kick in".  Unfortunately, against 4 shields and a defense drone, the strategy was impossible to execute because the missile got shot down, and neither of my other two weapons were powerful enough to break the shields ;p

I'll have to do some variation of that which can actually penetrate the shields in the future.  I find that on normal, with a "brute force" strategy, you tend to be very low on scrap, so the weapons you may need to beat the end-game either come before you can afford them, or even if you can afford them you can't afford the sheer number of weapon slots necessary to even use them.
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Offline zebramatt

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #176 on: September 26, 2012, 06:31:08 pm »
How dare they been slightly inexperienced at PR, more like  :)

"Hey, this could be a really nice addition to your excellent game some day."
"Hey, why don't you just tell them we're taking a couple of weeks off, man?"
"Nah, you don't tell people that. You tell 'em that and they'll come after us with pitchforks."
"No way, you lie!"
"Seriously, it happened to this one guy. Totally run out of town."
"For real?"
"Excuse me, good sirs, but had you perchance considered this marvelous new feature for your game?"

Offline icepick37

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #177 on: September 26, 2012, 06:38:59 pm »
When did that EVER happen though? Where is this coming from? They told people for weeks they were taking time off, and they have never been hostile about suggestions. Look at their getatisfaction page for instance.

Maybe you are misreading fanboi rage as dev stupidity?

Offline Wingflier

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #178 on: September 26, 2012, 06:41:08 pm »
I was thinking of 3 new augments that would make the game more interesting and open up some new playstyles:

Missile Manufactory - Expensive. Produces 1 missile every jump.

Explanation:  In the game's current state, it's unrealistic to have more than 1 "missile" or "bomb" weapon equipped at a time, because you'll run out of ammunition too fast.  This is actually quite sad as I'd like to see more strategies available that use 2 or even 3 weapon slots equipped with missiles.

Advanced Targeting Augmentation - Reduces your chance to miss the enemy ship by half.

Explanation:  Many weapon strategies (such as the one I explained in my last post) operate on a very tight and efficient cycle, which requires you to hit your enemy every time (or at least more often than not).  Against some ships such as Fighters, this can be a huge hassle, and you may simply lose the game as a result of luck.  This Augmentation would make some strategies better but still seems relatively balanced.

Teleportation Inhibitor - Reduces the amount of enemies the opponent can send onto your ship and/or makes the cooldown between each "teleport" much longer.  Also slightly increases the miss chance of teleporting "bomb" weapons.

Explanation:  Teleportation seems to be the only strategy I've used so far that doesn't have any glaring weaknesses (for your or the computer).  There's also the massive bonus of the extra scrap and utilities you get if you simply kill the crew.  This would be a interesting way to put it in line with the rest.
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Offline icepick37

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Re: FTL: A space based roguelike
« Reply #179 on: September 26, 2012, 06:52:44 pm »
I'd really like to see a fire-fighting augment.

Fire is op, please nerf.  :p