Speaking for myself only, I mostly play the sorts of games that I don't make. Specifically, I make the sorts of games that I wanted to play but couldn't find anywhere else, is a bit more accurate. So I wind up playing things that are in areas that I don't really create games, OR that are older games. It really varies. But I have definitely decided to start writing my own reviews for games that I play:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/x4000/recommended/That can potentially land me in some hot water since I might know the developers and that can get pretty awkward. But there's no reason to be mean in a review anyway, and I try to always clarify my position on why it wasn't a game for ME if I didn't like it. And suggest people who might like it, and why. And when I do like something, I try to mention the reasons that some folks might not like it.
Overall I'm trying to review things the way that I wish the press would review things, although mine are not exhaustive reviews and are just little bits of feedback meant to float in a crowd of such feedback.