Author Topic: Fallen Enchantress beta?  (Read 3459 times)

Offline Cinth

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Re: Fallen Enchantress beta?
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2012, 10:50:57 am »
I never kept tabs on it. I've been buying games for so long now that when I get a bad one, it doesn't phase me at all. It just sits on a shelf somewhere...
Quote from: keith.lamothe
Opened your save. My computer wept. Switched to the ST planet and ship icons filled my screen, so I zoomed out. Game told me that it _was_ totally zoomed out. You could seriously walk from one end of the inner grav well to the other without getting your feet cold.

Offline Cinth

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Re: Fallen Enchantress beta?
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2012, 01:30:27 am »
OK..... this game has it out for me...

Playing against easy AIs so I can get a feel for getting going and yeah... every empire I run up against has 3 to 4 times the power I do.

This definitely isn't like good ole Civ 3 where I turtle up and research straight to Panzers...... Hell no... that don't work  ???

There is giving AIW a run for how badly can we kill Cinth......
Quote from: keith.lamothe
Opened your save. My computer wept. Switched to the ST planet and ship icons filled my screen, so I zoomed out. Game told me that it _was_ totally zoomed out. You could seriously walk from one end of the inner grav well to the other without getting your feet cold.

Offline unclean

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Re: Fallen Enchantress beta?
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2012, 11:48:05 am »
Still has some issues, but it's not bad at all now. Not a fan though - way too many rpg elements for my tastes, I was expecting a more traditional 4X.

It did get me to check out Derek's previous game FFH2, and it's exactly what I was looking for. Kind of kicking myself for not trying it out until now.