After suffering crashing to desktop and losing hours of playtime in these dungeons, I have come up with a solution:
# Dungeons of Dredmor defensive save program
# Author: cyborg
# License: same license as Perl, artistic
# Use at your own risk. No warranties or guarantees.
# Make the target of a Windows shortcut: "C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Gaslamp Games\" "C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Gaslamp Games"
# You will need to use the in-game save option periodically for this to work. Double-click this shortcut before you begin the game.
use File::Copy;
use strict;
# signal handler to prevent screen disappearing too quickly on Windows after errors
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub {
print "@_";
sleep 10;
sub directory_files
my $dungeon_directory = shift;
opendir(directory, $dungeon_directory) || die "Can't open directory $dungeon_directory: $!\n";
my @files = readdir(directory);
return \@files;
# Check to make sure the user knows what they're doing
unless($ARGV == 0) { die 'Need to pass your saved game directory. Try your users folder, for example:
C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Gaslamp Games
'; }
unless(chdir("$ARGV[0]")) { die "Cannot change to gaslamp documents folder.\n"; }
unless(-e "Dungeons of Dredmor") { die "Improper dungeons folder.\n"; }
# Readability
my $dungeon_directory = $ARGV[0];
my $k = 0;
my $count_directories = 10; # change this to change backup count
# Create directories
for($k = 0; $k < $count_directories; $k++)
unless(-d "backup_dungeon_$k")
$k = 0;
my $files = &directory_files("$ARGV[0]\\Dungeons of Dredmor\\");
print "Backing up $ARGV[0]\\Dungeons of Dredmor\\$_ to backup_dungeon_$k\n";
copy("$ARGV[0]\\Dungeons of Dredmor\\$_", "backup_dungeon_$k\\");
sleep 100;
$k = $k % $count_directories;
You will need to install Perl if you want to use it. It will give you the ability to create easy programs like this that will help you do all kinds of things from the command line. All you need to do is make a shortcut to this program and double-click it before you start playing. Just read the header for instructions.
I think it's really sad I have to write this crap. Getting angry over the crashes.
In other news, in regards to the defense versus offense topic, you have to balance damage in as well as damage out. There may be a way to get around all defensive playing, but you can still get surrounded in this game and not have the ability to retreat. Also, vampirism alone might not keep your health high enough during a battle sequence without a little extra help. Honestly, any procs that you can add is not a bad thing.