I'm sure it will shock no one to hear that there are plans for 3 more (nice round number of 10 total).
10 difficulties sound nice and all but the problem is, they need more maps. I like the approach of the current Chaos system that each difficutly introduces a new enemty type and each tier has it's own set of enemies that counter specific tower types so you have to adapt your strategy towards it (instead of the old system were you had one functioning build and could it apply to any map on any difficulty).
Problem is, the map varity is crap at the moment, on all tiers you play basically the same maps with little rotation and this becomes stale. it would be cool if each tier has its own maps according to the enemy types that appear. For example the Kobolts would make sense on maps with a lot of flying spawners.
Kobolts used to also deal massive damage. It was very much complained about and I remember one of the patches being "reduced damage: now towers that focus on DH should just barely survive." And I'm like, "What? No, the whole point is to EMP-blast them. They can't be stunned if they're dead."
Didn't know that but I'm still far from C7 anyway. I just read what they do in the patch notes. I agree this is a problem. Normal flying kobolds 8and the walking ones as well) fill already the role of suicide bombing and dealing huge damage in the process. There is no point in having a third unit do this as well. The whole EMP thing is already enough. We have already the Cyborks as ground, walking unit and the Kobolts fit the flying role, just like with Kobolds and flying kobolds. There is no need to deal damage at all if they can disable the defenses.
Long time coming, they went all-out with it. I've got a few favorites (the Amurica skin for the Squire is super flashy and while I'd never use it, it makes a great poster).
People complained a long time ago that they didn't get their skins and when they will happen but this stopped when either the terraria upedate or the shard update hit, one of the both. Probalbly because there was other stuff to do/complain about.
I'm not a fan of the USA themed skins but that's probably because I'm not " 'merican" myself, so I don't feel the national pride that someone who would wear this would feel. I'm acutally not a big fan of national flags(designs in video games as cosmetic skins at all, I want stuff that makes my characters or whatever the equivalent in the game is, look cool, flags don't look cool. Just my opinion though.