Sorry to necro this thread guys, but now that this has been out for a while do people have any definitive opinions of it? I have been thinking of purchasing it, but it's way too expensive to buy on a whim. Has anyone played a full game or two of it?
A bit rambling, but here's my mini review: Played a bunch when it was released, and my final opinion is "Meh."
It is a real 4x game, and much higher quality than a bunch of the other games that have been released in the past few years (Endless Space, Pegasus), and while it may not have Samurai Space Bears, it is at least a completed game with solid professional support.
The interface is OK to awkward. Some of the things you can do are excellent, like marking planets for colonization and having the governors handle the construction and dispatch of the necessary ships. Some of the things you need to do, like manage fuel depots, are supposed to be done automatically, but aren't, and the interface provides very little capability to handle it manually.
The AI in general is a problem. It automates much of the low level stuff that usually drags down the fun of a 4x game, especially towards the end when you have 100 planets, but it does so poorly. I spent a lot of time cleaning up after my already optimized AI build plans that it was almost easier to do everything manually.
In combat, the AI was very stupid again. It auto designs ships (that are terrible) but allows you to design your own! But then once designed, you still need to perform the manual upgrades every time you get a new tech or shrink a component or something. Feedback is not good, some sometimes measuring the actual effectiveness of a design is difficult. Some ship designs just work poorly in AI hands - for example, I found Carriers to be amazing powerful in human hands. But when the AI used them, it would somehow be massively less effective, so I had to micro every fleet battle that game.
The diplomacy was mostly good. It was broad, and could involve a number of ways to influence other races. Those races also had their own relationships and strife, and could undergo rebellious planets or civil wars that found new empires (just as it can happen to you!) which was nice.
The historical scenario was interesting. It wasn't supposed to be a surprise, really, because the normal game already reveals everything that happened back then, but it was fun to play it out myself. Unfortunately, again, the AI was way too stupid. At one point, it had crushed my fleets and destroyed several of my planets and was within range of depopulating my homeworld, then it stopped and went away, giving me enough time to research and build all the special stuff I needed.
All in all, meh. The AI is not good. The interface is awkward. The automation needs to be gamed to work well (limiting designs the AI can use, never researching certain techs until way late, etc). But the diplomacy was good (if not TLF level), and the general game mechanics worked OK. I don't regret buying it - I did put 100+ hours into it - but I'm not sure I can really recommend it, except as "The least bad space 4x choice we have in the modern era".