So the elephant in the room of 4x games
Endless Space 2What I can tell
# Rushed release
- Carrier ships, but no space-craft to mount, PDS weapons are linked to kinetic slugs only (dual use, basically)
- Research is missing an entire ring of tech unlocks (including a total lack of tier 4 hull upgrades for ships that clearly had them intended
- Very very pretty battles that are extremely badly balanced and totally pointless to watch (that's good, but also not
- Long Range missiles/lasers rule everything, short wave weapons don't usually get into range before blowing up
- AI does not upgrade ships
- If you don't want your game to end by turn 70, disable economic victory
- remember pirates from ES1? Yeah, they are back, and still totally broken
- Many many bugs
- Heroes with custom vessels that don't fit any art style
So basically, this game released way too early. I give them massive props for uber art polish, but art doth not make gameplay. And when I say art polish, I mean it, One of the most beautiful looking games right now (space ship wise)
You know what else is funny?
Publisher for Endless Space 2 :
SEGAPublisher for DoW 3 :
SEGANotice a trend? ;P Is Sega becoming the new EA or Ubisoft?
Whatever the case, this is not the 4x to change the genre to anything worthwhile imo. I do love their presentation and unique races though. But... gameplay wise, this is... not nearly as good as I had hoped. Your fleets are limited to a dozen at most as well, and anything larger the game won't show you at all. Makes sense, models are really complex and exceptionally pretty.
Combat is like this
You select a tactic (difference is some kind of bonus/malus, and which of the 3 lanes maintains which weapon range)
You assign ships to those lanes
They drive along their lanes and shoot and explode at stuff
If a pass-by doesn't result in death (extremely unlikely...) combat is a draw
Guns have arcs and do occlusion check, if your ship has gun in front and enemy is behind.. well yeah, you better have missiles
Some lanes get close some don't. Most things explode before anything ever gets to short range (beams)
Economy is like this
Pop based economy FIDSI (Food, Industry, Dust, Science, Influence...)
More food = faster pop growth, we are talking extremely fast, complete opposite of Stellaris
You build improvements that count for all planets in a solar system, pop can be moved around inside the solar system
FIDI bonuses per pop can be extreme, some systems can have 57 pops, and a +5 Dust modifier on EACH of them + 1 improvement with 1 maintenance for 5 planets is extremely OP. Which is not bad but also not a lot of fun because nothing challenges you;)
Diplomacy is like this
Pressure vs Influence
Pressure allows you to make demands (refusal = war)
Influence is required for any diplomatic action
You got War/Peace/Cold War/Trade Treaty/Science Treaty/Alliance
and that is it. extremely dumbed down diplo.
And yeah, you can trade techs.....
So yeah, not sure what to make of this game... after Stellaris I actually think this is a step