Sadly I noticed that only after buying it... so I will live with it for now. If I scratch Ubisoft and EA form list of game producers things are starting to look badly...
Lets wait for Blizzard and what they will put in SC2 :|
I think you will be in for an EPIC -bad- suprise there, SC2 is not SC2, its starcraft 1 with better graphics, and sc1 gameplay didn't age very well. By todays standards (world in conflict and the few good rts) the beta is a joke game-play wise. If you love microing tiny units and super-small super-short engagements then sc2 is for you.. as someone who played the beta i can however tell you, if you want cinematic war, dynamic battlefields and intelligent unit behavior, then sc2 is not what you wait for.
After supcom and cnc4 however, i think developers all lost the grasp of reality. These games are utter, utter crap.. heck the only good thing about cnc4 is the music and video sequences.
I think this summs it up well.
I mean, I absolutly loved SC and BW when it came out. Heck I got SC right when it came out, like 15 years ago or so
And I liked SupCom.
What I have seen of SC2 really seems to reinforce the 15 year old "Warcraft in Space" comment, sadly. Seems too cartoonish and bright (I noticed the Terran battlecruiser moving when firing, why would half of a huge piece of metal space ship move to fire an energy weapon in this fashion (too cartoonish)? Where is the dark nature that made the SC setting what it is?
Also seems too much focus on microing from what I gather.
I think SC was succesfull not only because it was a good game, but because of the time it was released. It had numerous refenreces to old sci fi movies and such that is just not the same today.
This is why I really love devs such as Arcen. Take AI War, really a masterpice of a game. New, fresh, and solid gameplay. The graphics is not 3d, but it does not need to be, the 2d is sufficient /and pretty) by far as long as the gameplay is good! And that is what I want in a game, gampleay, if I want fluff I will look at pretty pictures or movies
. The same reason I liked fallout 1 and 2 better then 3.
And the fact that you get the option to speak to the devs. I don't think a dev has ever replied to my post on their forums before I came here
. Its kinda like good old fashined game comapnies, with the focus on making good games, not the too persistent focus on selling a game like most big companins have now a days. Its alsomt as if the comapnines has been blinded by greed and try to milk the players rather then pleas them wiht a good game with solid playability.
Heck, i would by SC2 even if it had the same graphics as the old one, but offred good gameplay that exanded on the old one, maybe with a few innovations and new tricks.