more or less, yeah.
Granted, mere survival is simple - dig a hole in the ground and start farming plump helmets.
my last game, before it got eaten by the crash monster I was busy getting proper steel foundries operational, setting up a giant bedchamberlevel, and trying to figure out why I had over 300 raw turtle, when I dont remember ever fishing. Oh yeah, and /attempting/ to build enough barrels to both hold all my plump helmets and make booze out of them.
I had also just found the first cave layer, so I was gearing up my military for a expedition.
Dont get me wrong, in the end, it is 'just' survival, but I dont always feel the need to be gratified by a giant YOU WIN banner at the conclusion to something.
Then again, I also play eve, and lets be honest here - eve is just as much about survival as DF