Author Topic: X3 - Terran Conflict - Questions for Intermediates  (Read 70751 times)

Offline Spikey00

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Re: X3 - Terran Conflict - Questions for Intermediates
« Reply #60 on: July 18, 2010, 09:37:23 pm »
Dang; I was hoping that there was a direct solution to the macro management (sigh Egosoft), but I suppose there isn't a full solution to this issue.  I'll have to stick with CC since it saves some FPS in the way it works, and reduces the amount of connectors I need, but thanks for the advice. 

I'm currently at the point of owning a Boreas but I'm having issues with M7Ms and their lame missile spamming--MARS and Mosquito Missile Defense are not working again large quantities of barrages, whether that be my CPU lacking the power to process all the info (I see 0 m/s at times without SETA, and MMD seems to be firing the missiles when they're around 9KM instead of 20KM range of the Mosquito) or something else.  I have been thinking about obtaining IBLs or PPCs to set on the right and left, then set PRGs to missile defense at the front (unless flak is better) because MARS seems to enjoy shooting PPCs at missiles, or not at all, and the drones don't seem to be targeting the missiles.  Any advice here?

Thanks again!
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Offline Lancefighter

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Re: X3 - Terran Conflict - Questions for Intermediates
« Reply #61 on: July 19, 2010, 09:05:06 pm »
eh macro.. try managing a fighter group without codea or similar..

boreas is a rather.. ... op destroyer, but ill forgive you for now...
m7m missile spams is a result of the AI ammo cheat (by gazz, naturally). Fortunately for you, mars will stop every single hammer missile sent you way.
the MOMENT they start throwing fails around, your screwed. Only real answer? getting the hell out. Honestly mars, even with ppcs, will take down every hammer missile shot your way. Yousee - there are a few fixed things when it comes to interception of a missile - velocity, range, and interception speed.
the only thing that matters is that the ppc is fired in the right direction at the right time.
However, against massed flail swarms, hit shift j and hope you can select a destination in time. Nothing else is gonna save your ass.

leave mars to switch weapons as it pleases, itll use the right gun at the right time.

if you are lucky and have psg onboard, that might save you, if your lucky.
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