Be careful with this game. A 75% approval rating by users, especially in early access, is a big warning sign. Generally people are pretty lenient during the EA period because's Early Access. But when a solid 1/4th of the people who spent $50 on the game didn't like it, you should be wary.
Third review from the top:
I love RTS
I Love Forged Alliance (Not the Dumbed Down SupCom2)
This game just does not feel right...or play right.
Its a very generic RTS, bringing nothing new, its a bit messy really.
It does look nice, but I've just spent quite a bit of money on a game that I dont have much hope for.
I totally understand its a BETA, so I'm sure it will be more polished, but thats not it....there is something that doesnt feel right.....
The units all hover, like AEON in FA, but there is no feel of "big ships beating one another", it feels like you are playing with avatars rather than actuall tanks and ships/aircraft.
I wish I had waited longer, for £40 you just dont get enough right now....and its not promising to get much better.
Sorry, really wanted to like this
Furthermore, if you have an itching to play FA, why not just play FAF? As far as grand-scale strategy goes, and massive, multiplayer battles, you aren't going to do much better. I haven't seen anything to convince me that this isn't just a wannabe FA on a smaller budget.
In perhaps a year or two of balancing, optimization, bug fixes, and new content, I might consider it; but games on this scale are rarely worth getting on release in my experience.