Author Topic: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns  (Read 4469 times)

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« on: May 28, 2011, 06:20:15 pm »
Obligatory links:

Developer page:
Steam page:
TotalBiscuit's review:
The RPS article (well, one of them):

I'm betting this game will appeal to AIW fans. It's a turn based strategy game. I'm told it's kind of like the planning stage of the old Rainbow 6 games, but I never really played those, so I can't back that up. You have a small squad of something like 3-6 guys on a highly stylized tron-esque map, and your job is to give them the orders that they will carry out over the next 5 seconds. (In the game's fiction, your troops are vat-grown clone-like lifeforms with no real higher order thinking, only capable of executing the orders that you send to them) And these orders are in depth. Through a fairly simple and straightforward mouse driven system, you can tell a unit "Turn this way, run to this cover, duck and wait for 1.5 seconds, stand up and shoot to your left, run towards this wall while ignoring the enemy that you'll see, then aim to your right once behind cover." Not all strings of orders are going to be that long of course, but that's an idea.

While you're doing this, your opponent is also setting up their turn. All that either side knows is what the units are doing right at this frozen instant. Once both sides have delivered all their orders and confirmed them, then and only then does the action play out, and you get to find out if you cleverly aimed in the right direction to take out the enemy sniper, or if you completely missed a shotgun-toting baddie who run up to ventilate your cranium from behind. Maybe so, but now you get another round to try and even the odds. It's entirely possible for someone to take out all but one of the opposing team in one good round, only to have the single remaining unit pull a rambo and win the round all on his own. There's nothing really randomized about the combat, so you almost always know that units behind cover will take out units in the open, units that are aiming win over those that are snap firing, units that are stationary win over those that are moving and so on and so on. You can also test out scenarios by giving orders to the opposing units, and then play them out to see what might happen. Of course you might guess completely wrong, so it's better to try out multiple scenarios and then cross your fingers.

There's no time pressure on the games, so you can literally start a game, make your first round of moves, and then leave all day and come back to find out what happened. Multiplayer is unusual in this game, in that you might be playing 5 or 10 games at a time. You just make your moves in a game and confirm them and go on to the next game. Then later you come back around and see if your game has progressed to the next round.

There's also an extensive single player campaign with a pretty good cyber-punk backstory. I'm playing through that right now, because the multiplayer servers are currently crumbling under the weight of all the people who just bought this on Steam. The devs weren't really expecting this many people to jump on board. That is one slight black mark on the game right now, but I'm completely confident that they'll get that cleared up in a few days. Another odd thing about it is that you can't purchase a single copy of the game. The way they spin it is that you buy one copy and get one free, although I feel that's just sort of clever wording. It is 20 bucks currently (on a sale price) which is just a tiny bit high for your average indie game, at least on Steam. But that 20 bucks nets you two copies. Kind of a clever way to build their player base, really.

Any way, I've gone on long enough. I'm sure anyone with an interest in this type of game is probably already mashing the 'buy' button by now.

Offline x4000

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 06:33:10 pm »
Oh yeah, this is definitely one to check out.  I keep up with Paul from Mode 7, and he (and everyone else there) are really great folks.  They know their stuff, and this is definitely one that I think would appeal to the Arcen crowd. :)
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Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 09:23:59 pm »
Do all the brilliant indie devs have a secret clubhouse where they hang out and look at comic books together or something?  ;)

Another neat thing about this game is the built in youtube uploader. Of course the videos come out extremely short, because you only see the actions play out, but nothing of the 10 minutes worth of planning that may have gone in for every 5 seconds of video. But here's a couple neat ones: - A win on the very first round - All but one guy wiped out in the first turn, but then that one guy mops up.

Offline x4000

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 09:46:16 pm »
Heh -- well, when it comes to hardcore indie strategy/tactics titles, it's a pretty small arena, so it's pretty easy to get to know one another.

That's a really cool feature with the youtube uploader!  I hadn't known about that one.
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Offline zespri

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 11:25:07 pm »
Description reminds me of GUNROX. Comparing this game's graphics to GUNROX graphics is somewhat disappointing. It does not take away from game's mechanics, but I wish that screenshots looked more compelling.

Offline Commiesalami

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 12:57:05 am »
I'm intrigued, but right now they are 'considering' a demo, Ill wait a few weeks and see if a demo comes out before putting money down.

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 01:02:24 am »
Description reminds me of GUNROX. Comparing this game's graphics to GUNROX graphics is somewhat disappointing. It does not take away from game's mechanics, but I wish that screenshots looked more compelling.

I haven't heard of that game previously, but from the videos it appears to be a standard turn-based strategy game. As in, you move and shoot, then your turn is over, then I move and shoot. (Correct me if I'm wrong, though.) Frozen Synapse is totally different in that all the planning is done beforehand, with zero knowledge of what the enemy is doing, and then all actions play out simultaneously. It's a wildly different experience from standard turn-based tactical games.

The graphics are very sparse, but it works quite well. For one thing it fits the game's fiction. You're playing the role of a tactical AI, so you're seeing things as a basic simulation of just the important details. Everything is flat and basic. Walls, halls, and units are all you need to see. Desks are just blocks. All you need to know is if your unit can take cover behind it or not, so there's no reason to pretty it up with mahogany wood details.

There should be a demo out in a few weeks, from what the devs have said, so anyone on the fence could check it out then.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 01:38:35 am »
Frozen Synapse reminds me a LOT of Laser Squad Nemesis, which I used to play for years. It's made by Julian Gollop, the same guy that was one of the leading devs of the original XCOM game. FS is of course quite the bit more freshened up with modern tech. These small scale turn-based tactics games can really be great!
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Offline zespri

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 02:22:40 am »
I haven't heard of that game previously, but from the videos it appears to be a standard turn-based strategy game. As in, you move and shoot, then your turn is over, then I move and shoot. (Correct me if I'm wrong, though.)
No, no, you are right and I can see the difference. But you also must see similarities with this style of games with Frozen Synapse.
Anyway, thank you for pointing out a new  game I haven't heard of =)

Offline zespri

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 02:28:06 am »
The graphics are very sparse, but it works quite well. For one thing it fits the game's fiction. You're playing the role of a tactical AI, so you're seeing things as a basic simulation of just the important details. Everything is flat and basic. Walls, halls, and units are all you need to see. Desks are just blocks. All you need to know is if your unit can take cover behind it or not, so there's no reason to pretty it up with mahogany wood details.
I don't want to sound like a jackarse, but I don't think, that coming up with a fitting story is an excuse for bland graphics. I also do realize that fans can forgive the graphics for interesting gameplay, but that many people would be drawn to the game if the graphic were nicer is also true.

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 02:46:04 am »
I don't want to sound like a jackarse, but I don't think, that coming up with a fitting story is an excuse for bland graphics. I also do realize that fans can forgive the graphics for interesting gameplay, but that many people would be drawn to the game if the graphic were nicer is also true.

Fair point, and I'm sure the real reason is that it's a little indie studio and this was the best they could afford. (The story is pretty great on its own though. I wish they could have afforded some nice voice acting, but it's still enjoyable) It's a lot like AI War when it comes to graphics. If you could zoom AI War in and see a full 3D representation of all the ships with bump mapping and specular highlights and all kinds of whiz-bang special effects, most of us would still spend all our time zoomed way out looking at the icon representation, because we're in it for the gameplay, not for the decorations.

I recently picked up RUSE in a Steam sale, and I play it just like that. It has a neat design where zooming out the map far enough turns it into just a model on a table in a war room, with all the troops represented by little models and stacks of chips. Of course you can zoom all the way in and it turns into a fully detailed landscape with individual soldiers and tanks and so on. But I find that 99% of the time I'm zoomed way out and playing at the tactical low-detail level instead of paying any attention to the pretty graphics.

Really for anyone that can get into this sort of game, I expect you won't notice the graphics at all after a short amount of time. You'll just be thinking about lines of sight and cover and playing out scenarios over and over trying to find that perfect attack, and you'll forget all about the walls being just vague blue shapes. When you have gameplay that is this pure, I almost feel like layering it with too many graphical details detracts from it. But, that's just my opinion.

Offline Thumpy

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2011, 11:34:13 am »
thanks to this thread i have just purchased it. downloading right now.

Offline Echo35

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2011, 12:43:40 am »
I was actually going to buy this, but Shogun 2: Total War was only $13 more at the time thanks to a sale, so Frozen Synapse is waiting until my next paycheck, but I do plan on grabbing it. :)

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: Frozen Synapse - It's like Chess with Guns
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2011, 08:54:43 am »
thanks to this thread i have just purchased it. downloading right now.
Same. The free second copy is great. I got KingIsaac one as well, so we've tossed a few games.
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