I just played Space Alert for the first few times last week myself; holy cow, was that fun!
I'm not sure that I see the complaint about the second phase just being playback -- that's rather the point, and it was something that reviews of the game made really clear. The purpose of the two phases is to let you play fast and loose with the rules in the first phase, trying to get things right but not meaning you're "cheating" if you skip past something. And then in the second phase you find out the consequences of any slipups. It seems brilliantly structured to me; and the whole theme of multiple sub-phases in the first phase, where you can keep changing your card assignments around until you get past each phase, also really ties in well. I was very impressed.
That said, there's a long way to go to master a game like that. I like how their tutorials start you off with partial mechanics and then work in more as you go. That's something where you can play multiple times in a single tutorial phase, but with different cards of course, and you get different experiences as you learn the ropes of that level of gameplay. I thought that was really classy, too.
Still, I can understand it's not a game for everyone. The high risk of loss, and the chaos and emphasis on numbers in the second phase, really make it more of a niche game. But it's one of my new favorites for sure.