Yeah, that sounds about right.
Not to mention, one other key thing seems to be that basically EVERYONE will eventually hit a wall. One big tip I'd heard was that while the maximum amount of skill points you can possibly get is over 100, you shouldn't bother PLANNING for more than about 70. Because chances are, you wont make it to 100. The "end game" is particularly nasty (you'll know you're approaching it when it's time to start using/working with maps) and eventually you'll find that you just cant seem to go further. There ARE players that make it super far, but apparently that's pretty freaking rare. And with players constantly creating new characters to try new builds, or making them for new leagues when those start, or other reasons, most don't worry about going ultra-far as it is (it's not like you have to get to the VERY end before it gets challenging, heh).
It's a pretty interesting approach. In so many other games you're pretty much guaranteed to eventually hit max level if you just keep going. But here... no. You might not even get close.
Pretty merciless, really, heh. I like that aspect.