The update information looks actually pretty good. I liek the idea of buying freighters that transport stuff for you from other planets. This gives the whoel game an economy, you invest resources (fuel or whatever) in finding planets, "claim" them, build resource extractors there, buy some freighters and let them ship the stuff to your main colony.
However, that you cannot freely create your base is a little... underwhelming. This might not be bad if it works similiar to Subnautica, where you can freely place corridors, rooms and whatever to your base how you like.
But the way how they show it seems more like the Skyrim version of "build your house". You simply buy the next upgrade/room for your house and it gets added to it. You may change what room exactly you want to have at that corner of the house but you are still pretty much limited to your options. And since they have a creative mode, I don't think this is a smart idea. Misery can proof me of course wrong int hat since he owns the game and I don't.
The other thing and let's face it, a too high difficulty kills the mood of playing the game. And no, don't give me the "it's a survival game" bullshit.
Survival game is not the same as harcore game experience. Look at Dark souls. Got advertised as hardcore experioence, everyone sees that it is that, no one complains.
Look at minecraft. It even HAS a mode that says "Hardcore". However, Survival is not the same as "this is so hard you have to fight for every inch to survive".
I could now search for a detailed explanation of the genre but I will just do it on my own. The survial genre fits some basic concepts.
You need something to sustain yourself. This "something" will deplet over time. If you want to refill it, you have to gather something. In most games this is "hunger" and you have to gather "food" to refill it. It could also be energy (like in Fortresscraft Evolved and I think in NMS as well).
Gathering the resource you need should not be a simple task but also not impossible. You don't know where said resource is at the start, you have to search it. It may take longer or shorter depending on how good you are at searching or how far away it is hidden.
There might be additional dangers, enemies for example or natural dangers, fire, lightning storms, stuff like that. Might also be traps or anything like that.
You have or have not an end goal. In order to reach it you have to live as long as possible, therefor survive a slong as possible.
Now, I believe that NMS has all that but the point is, the basic concepts do not state that the game has to murder you at every corner. It is rather that you MAY die at every corner but the game DOES NOT do so. While NMS does as teh review stated. And even you said yourself so, Misery, that the game is brutally hard, you even told it in the screenshot I saw that you died right at the start. This shouldn't happen. Being a hard game is great and all but a game shoudl also be FAIR. See Dark Souls again. The game is brutal. Teh game is terrifying (psychologically speaking) but it is also FAIR. You have a chance to beat all the bosses.
Making it POSSIBLE to surive is not the same as making the game FAIR. We could now try to argue what is fair but let's keep this short. In my opinion fair means, when every player get's the same chance of experiencing the game. Equal chances for everyone. That is not the case with this game it seems. And no matter how you want to put it, players get murdered for things that shouldn't murder them. liek pirates stalking a specific player endlessy despite him having no resources at all.