Author Topic: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....  (Read 39069 times)

Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2016, 11:11:00 am »
I just wanted to say I absolutely agree with this.  E3 trailers ALWAYS do this.  Frankly, I think it's often pretty detrimental to the game in question (whatever it is).  I never find these impressive, they usually just anger me.

Reminds me of when I tore into Sony's latest E3 presentation.  The person I was talking to was all like "wow, this is a good time to be a gamer, Sony's conference was the bomb!" And I replied with, "Huh? No it wasn't" and pointed out a few things.  Mind, I got a few things wrong because it was three days later and I mis-remembered a few things, but seriously compare this to this.  You can tell, in that second shot of the applause, even the audience in the room has been unimpressed and confused by the previous trailer. 

Anyway, the reason I bring it up was because of the "we're going to play [some brown zombie shooter] for you live, right here on stage."

It looked. So. Fake.

Not to mention that the segment they decided to show off started with a short cutscene, with another cutscene a couple of minutes later (the intervening gameplay consisted of the player riding a motorcycle through some light woods, looting a crate, then a truck and then climbing on top of a barn chasing his brother, oh and another short cutscene).

If the "loot stuff" parts had been skipped you would have been hard pressed to tell me it wasn't 10 minutes of cutscene where almost nothing happened.  Then we get the zombie hoards and the player running away from them and being an absolute twat about tactics (4000 zombies, seriously are chasing him, he stops every 100 feet to turn around and shoot at them rather than booking it: I don't care if each bullet kills 5 zombies and every shot hits, you don't have the ammo capacity to deal with that many zombies).  Anyway, the main character ends up cornered at the roof of this building and the camera seamlessly transitions into a panorama cutscene again, pulling out up into the sky showing just how fucked the character is.  Oh, and the metal door getting blown open looked like ass: that's not how metal works.

If that "gameplay" hadn't been faked, baked, and played back as a video with clever shots of someone using a controller* I would be shocked.  Absolutely shocked.

Oh, also, have a dinosaur humping a spaceship.

*In watching this again, the guy makes some serious control manipulation during the potions that I most strongly consider "cutscene" and virtually none when I feel the player would actually have the most agency.  e.g. in the "dude reaches into the truck to pull out the oil filter and attach it to his pistol" (because that totally just works) the guy on stage is making tons of controller input motions.  Ditto when he gets jumped by a zombie in the middle of trying to yell at the NPC and punches it off his face (you aren't going to seriously tell me that there's controls for that, are you?).  Jumping up piles of stuff, tooling around on a motocycle, wandering around the deserted camp? Virtually no movement in his fingers at all: not even when he goes around a sharp corner.

Offline Misery

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2016, 08:09:13 am »
I just wanted to say I absolutely agree with this.  E3 trailers ALWAYS do this.  Frankly, I think it's often pretty detrimental to the game in question (whatever it is).  I never find these impressive, they usually just anger me.

Reminds me of when I tore into Sony's latest E3 presentation.  The person I was talking to was all like "wow, this is a good time to be a gamer, Sony's conference was the bomb!" And I replied with, "Huh? No it wasn't" and pointed out a few things.  Mind, I got a few things wrong because it was three days later and I mis-remembered a few things, but seriously compare this to this.  You can tell, in that second shot of the applause, even the audience in the room has been unimpressed and confused by the previous trailer. 

Anyway, the reason I bring it up was because of the "we're going to play [some brown zombie shooter] for you live, right here on stage."

It looked. So. Fake.

Not to mention that the segment they decided to show off started with a short cutscene, with another cutscene a couple of minutes later (the intervening gameplay consisted of the player riding a motorcycle through some light woods, looting a crate, then a truck and then climbing on top of a barn chasing his brother, oh and another short cutscene).

If the "loot stuff" parts had been skipped you would have been hard pressed to tell me it wasn't 10 minutes of cutscene where almost nothing happened.  Then we get the zombie hoards and the player running away from them and being an absolute twat about tactics (4000 zombies, seriously are chasing him, he stops every 100 feet to turn around and shoot at them rather than booking it: I don't care if each bullet kills 5 zombies and every shot hits, you don't have the ammo capacity to deal with that many zombies).  Anyway, the main character ends up cornered at the roof of this building and the camera seamlessly transitions into a panorama cutscene again, pulling out up into the sky showing just how fucked the character is.  Oh, and the metal door getting blown open looked like ass: that's not how metal works.

If that "gameplay" hadn't been faked, baked, and played back as a video with clever shots of someone using a controller* I would be shocked.  Absolutely shocked.

Oh, also, have a dinosaur humping a spaceship.

*In watching this again, the guy makes some serious control manipulation during the potions that I most strongly consider "cutscene" and virtually none when I feel the player would actually have the most agency.  e.g. in the "dude reaches into the truck to pull out the oil filter and attach it to his pistol" (because that totally just works) the guy on stage is making tons of controller input motions.  Ditto when he gets jumped by a zombie in the middle of trying to yell at the NPC and punches it off his face (you aren't going to seriously tell me that there's controls for that, are you?).  Jumping up piles of stuff, tooling around on a motocycle, wandering around the deserted camp? Virtually no movement in his fingers at all: not even when he goes around a sharp corner.

Well, that was.... lame....

And people get all excited about this stuff?   You know, I hadn't REALLY watched any of the big press conferences at E3 in ages, so I sat down to have a proper look at this one (with a few quick skips ahead), and....

Ugh.  Is it just me, or do all of these games look the same?  Yet another God of War, yet another zombie shooter (ugh), yet another "open world" game, yet another damn Resident Evil, and what looks like another "definitely not a movie, there's totally gameplay here" Heavy Rain style thing.  The ONE thing that caught my attention was the sudden appearance of Crash Bandicoot.... which then turned out to be another Skylanders game.  Complete with gimmick.  Sigh...    Oh, and then of course some VR crap.  I wont even go into that.

Oh, and let's not forget Last Guardian, perhaps the most freaking vague of all of them, and has been for YEARS, but "OMG ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD" is typically the idea. 

Is this really what gamers get all jumpy about these days? All these things?  Honestly, all this did was make me feel old.  And I'm not even close to old enough that I should be getting that yet.  But that's what it did, mostly just made me think things like "you know what, I miss gaming in the early 90s" and things like that.   I'm seriously just seeing nothing in any of these.  Nothing.  If anything, it was depressing.

Looking down in the comments section sure didn't help.  People just buying into this left and right.   And then these games are going to come out, and it's going to be the same damn thing as always, PILES of whining about how the game in question didn't live up to the "promises" made about it.  Because all anyone sees and apparently needs to see is the damn spectacle.  And then the arguing follows, and.... uuugh.

And there'll still be a few games just bought up in droves (like RE there, bah) and even if they're just the same old crap as always, it'll be "OMG THIS IS SO GOOD, YOU GOTTA TRY THIS".  I feel like standards have just vanished at this point.

Bah.  I just don't get it.  And to tell the truth, I rather hope I never do.

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2016, 10:26:59 am »
Ugh.  Is it just me, or do all of these games look the same?  Yet another God of War, yet another zombie shooter (ugh), yet another "open world" game, yet another damn Resident Evil, and what looks like another "definitely not a movie, there's totally gameplay here" Heavy Rain style thing. 
And that's how most of us see No Man's Sky. Yet another bloody open world snorefest like SO many before it.
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Offline Misery

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #63 on: August 21, 2016, 10:40:11 am »
Hmm, genre confusion.

By "open world" what I mean is things like Skyrim.  Lots (and I mean LOTS) of talking to NPCs with looooooooooooooong dialog chains, and doing 10 kersquillionty "quests" with dungeons all over the place (this actually would make sense to me if the world was procedural; but it isn't, so WHY are there dungeons everywhere?) and cutscenes just threaded in at random points.  Er.... I think.  Did Skyrim have cutscenes?  Heck if I know.  I got bored of the talky bits really fast and stopped pretty early. Talk, talk, talk.  But I do remember the dungeons.    And then the "epic" dragon fights.  Every game in that genre has something like that.  Some big huge monster or something that comes in as a "set-piece battle" at some point, usually that point repeats itself a few times along the overall map.  Even Just Cause 2, the only "open world" game I've ever liked, had something like that, in the form of those blasted helicopters that tended to attack when you were raiding specific parts of the various army bases.   And then there's GTA.  I'll not speak of GTA.  It's for the best.

NMS is just a "survival" game.  Different genre.  Lack of NPCs, lack of talky bits, lack of quests, replaced with the usual harvesting/crafting and things of that nature.  Though quite a bit more light than some survival games and the high emphasis on exploration and travel.  Not lighter than ALL of them though, it tends not to be a hugely complicated genre.  Well, sort of... depends on which side of it you're on.  Though the only other one I can think of with such an extreme amount of travelling/exploring is DF's Adventure Mode.  May as well be an infinite universe in and of itself.  Full of elephants. 

Both genres are pretty much equally repetitive.  That bit I don't mind really.  I got used to really extreme repetition after all the shmups and roguelikes.   You don't get that much more repetitive than doing the same 5-minute stage 700 times before maybe beating it once almost.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 10:48:09 am by Misery »

Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2016, 12:55:46 am »
Ugh.  Is it just me, or do all of these games look the same?  Yet another God of War, yet another zombie shooter (ugh), yet another "open world" game, yet another damn Resident Evil, and what looks like another "definitely not a movie, there's totally gameplay here" Heavy Rain style thing. 

Naw, I'm worth you on that. 'S why I got into the very one-sided argument with that person (they said i was wrong and then promptly ignored me). They're a professional game reviewer too. Can't wait to rub it in her face on down the line.

Offline Misery

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2016, 03:59:37 am »
Ugh.  Is it just me, or do all of these games look the same?  Yet another God of War, yet another zombie shooter (ugh), yet another "open world" game, yet another damn Resident Evil, and what looks like another "definitely not a movie, there's totally gameplay here" Heavy Rain style thing. 

Naw, I'm worth you on that. 'S why I got into the very one-sided argument with that person (they said i was wrong and then promptly ignored me). They're a professional game reviewer too. Can't wait to rub it in her face on down the line.

You'd think a professional reviewer would have seen enough of this sort of thing to be a bit jaded by now...

I mean, obviously it's not guaranteed that any specific game will be BAD.  Definitely not.  And even something releasing into a super-crowded genre isn't inherently bad, either.  But some of these are starting to look like carbon copies of each other.  Hell, that one open-world one, I thought I was looking at another Elder Scrolls game for awhile.  I seriously thought that's what it was.  It just looked... the same. Again, not inherently bad, but still.   And I'm not even going to speak on that zombie one, I doubt I have to.

These AAA devs are really digging themselves a ditch that's way too deep with these hyper-expensive games that keep copying each other really directly, and I keep wondering just what the end result will be if this keeps up for too much longer.  More and more people seem to be getting really disillusioned with this stuff.  I know I sure as hell did.

On a side note, what is it with zombies these days?  Why is that such a thing still?  You know what I miss?  Ninjas.  It used to be ninjas everywhere.  Or space aliens.  I'd love to see those make a resurgence.  Zombies are fun and all but at least SOME variation would be nice...

Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2016, 11:55:48 am »
Game design is hard.


Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2016, 12:00:47 pm »
Game design is hard.

for sure I meant from a narrative sense really though mechanically it doesn't matter but narratively there relatively easy to set up as antagonists.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2016, 12:17:45 pm »
Ugh.  Is it just me, or do all of these games look the same?  Yet another God of War, yet another zombie shooter (ugh), yet another "open world" game, yet another damn Resident Evil, and what looks like another "definitely not a movie, there's totally gameplay here" Heavy Rain style thing. 

Naw, I'm worth you on that. 'S why I got into the very one-sided argument with that person (they said i was wrong and then promptly ignored me). They're a professional game reviewer too. Can't wait to rub it in her face on down the line.

On a side note, what is it with zombies these days?  Why is that such a thing still?  You know what I miss?  Ninjas.  It used to be ninjas everywhere.  Or space aliens.  I'd love to see those make a resurgence.  Zombies are fun and all but at least SOME variation would be nice...
because they don't require any real though to set them up as antagonists same reason Nazis are used a lot for that.
doing something original would require thought and effort and a good deal of imagination narratively speaking.


Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2016, 12:18:22 pm »
for sure I meant from a narrative sense really though mechanically it doesn't matter but narratively there relatively easy to set up as antagonists.

My post was more of a "[Verb] is Hard, yo" all-purpose catchphrase. (with an adequate pause before the "yo").

I broke my mother with it a couple weeks back, she was talking with my dad and stumbled over something and I just walked through the room (minding my own business) and caught only the failure to speak words correctly, and I said, "Words are hard, yo."

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2016, 12:21:17 pm »
for sure I meant from a narrative sense really though mechanically it doesn't matter but narratively there relatively easy to set up as antagonists.

My post was more of a "[Verb] is Hard, yo" all-purpose catchphrase. (with an adequate pause before the "yo").

I broke my mother with it a couple weeks back, she was talking with my dad and stumbled over something and I just walked through the room (minding my own business) and caught only the failure to speak words correctly, and I said, "Words are hard, yo."
fair enough I thought you were casting shade on me is all.
but that story's pretty funny

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2016, 12:22:55 pm »
I think I'm going to have to start using that now.
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Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2016, 12:24:25 pm »
fair enough I thought you were casting shade on me is all.
but that story's pretty funny

Nah, it's a joke.  "Why zombies, because they're easy"
"Game design is hard, yo."

You can literally use it for anything.  Math, speaking, eating, drinking, breathing....

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2016, 12:31:28 pm »
fair enough I thought you were casting shade on me is all.
but that story's pretty funny

Nah, it's a joke.  "Why zombies, because they're easy"
"Game design is hard, yo."

You can literally use it for anything.  Math, speaking, eating, drinking, breathing....
yea I get it no sweat.
sometimes its hard to forget that not everybody on the internet loves starting big sweaty arguments.

Offline Draco18s

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Re: After all this time, No Man's Sky finally releases....
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2016, 12:41:19 pm »