Ya know what's REALLY sad?
This is the ONLY forum, and I really do mean the ONLY one, where I've mentioned this, and actually gotten responses like the ones you guys just gave. That "WTF?" response. Everywhere else? When I bring this up, people DEFEND it. Seriously. And they get FANATICAL about it. I don't mean defending it by genuine debate, or anything like that. Even usually nice people get nasty about it. Just think about that for a moment. The developer is doing what you see in that store, with a game that's VERY early in development, and people are FANATICALLY DEFENDING IT. I don't mean just defending the game itself. I mean they'll ALSO defend the store.
This even happens at the autism forum I go to. Which is... not a place I'd expect that to happen. I remember I brought it up there once, and one day later, wished I hadn't. If I was a moderator at that forum, I would have shut that topic down. That's how bad it got.
I mean, people get pretty nutty over games all the time... NMS is mostly "major" because of a general outcry, but lots of other games generate sheer obsession like that before release. We can all think of tons of examples, I'm sure. Those games that get people waiting at freaking Gamestop for a midnight release. I still remember the Diablo 3 one (partly because I have the huge display thing down in my basement) and that was a pretty nutty experience.
But this? This is a whole new level of weird. I've *never* seen anything else like this. Not ever.
I just checked about Star Citizen because I've never heard about this game before and wanted to find out what you're talkign about. I saw the store. Over 300$. For one ship. I don't even...
How do you justify this? Isn't this p2w in it's worst nature?
You'd never heard about it? Really? Frankly you might be lucky then: that means you haven't had to hear any of the shrieking arguments about the game yet. It's pretty much guaranteed that you'll hear them eventually. The game's following is seriously HUGE, and very rabid. And it's still a bazillion years from release. It's just going to get worse.
But yeah, those prices. Ridiculous, isn't it?
I don't actually know what the developer's "justification" for that is. I'd *love* to hear it, because it's probably the most ridiculous explanation ever, whatever it may be. I mean, really. Hundreds for
one ship in a video game that isn't even releasing for at least another year or two.
I don't even know if this counts as p2w anymore. This is like, in a whole other universe. One sentence I keep repeating to people is this: Even EA and Activision wouldn't pull THIS crap. That should be a big, big warning sign right there. But nobody sees it.
I've just been non-stop baffled by this whole thing. It's both horrifying and utterly fascinating to watch at the same time.
But the worst part will be the day of release, whenever that date happens. All that wild hype that NMS had? That's nothing compared to what Star Citizen's fans expect from that game. Nothing at all. It'll be like someone set off some sort of internet nuke. The expectations for the game are so far into the stratosphere that even if the game really is good, people are going to FLIP THE HELL OUT, because no developer in the world could get that game to do what they expect it to.