So, I've been playing this a bunch recently... for whatever reason this genre (what there is of it... there sure doesnt seem to be very many of these) is interesting suddenly. I suppose it reminds me of roguelikes in some way... yes, repetitive, but always different (somewhat) and a whole lot of min-maxing and gear/item stuff to deal with. And it doesnt try to shove the story up your nose. You get right into the thick of things fast, in these.
One thing bugs me though: The combat. I often hear how this game is what D3 should have been... so very deep and challenging and complex and whatnot. But from what I've seen of later content, this isnt entirely true. Alot of the game (like, 95% of it) seems to be zooming around at high speed, hitting the Win Button over and over and killing everything on the screen all at once... rinse and repeat. Usually using just one skill. It rather looks like the player doesnt even need to distinguish one monster type between another, or really pay much attention to modifiers... a group of powered up blue monsters is going to go splat the same as normal ones. And even when an actual threat DOES present itself, you'll either take it down quickly somehow, or it'll splatter YOU in the same way that you were crushing those screens full of weak things. The game seems to give you all this content, but you dont interact with most of it in interesting or deep ways.
And I know that some would say "Well the point is the skill tree and working out your build and crafting and such", but the simple fact is that while that is true, you absolutely will spend MOST of your time screen-clearing the monsters over and over. Now, I dont mind high levels of repetition, but... usually that repetition, in the games I'm so familiar with, is repeating content that remains challenging and complicated throughout the entire duration of it, as most roguelikes do. Or the absolute non-stop difficulty that goes with a typical shmup.
Now, it's not like I'm not enjoying the game... it has alot of interesting and very unique game mechanics, such as the whole currency+crafting thing (finally, someone makes crafting INTERESTING), the whole mapping thing, the skill tree, and all sorts of other ideas... but yeah, that bit with how the later bits of the game work does rather bug me. I mean, for a game about depth, mindlessly splattering things with a quick keypress doesnt sound too interesting/deep/challenging. Bosses, yes, but you only fight those every so often, and the battles with them are short.
For those of you that might play this, I'm curious as to what you might think about all of this, and what your experiences with the game are like.
The main other thing I have an issue with is trading.... but that's because I absolutely hate dealing with people in general. Also I'm used to having passive ways to sell/buy rather than it only being possible if both parties are logged in at the time.
Yes, this is the same thing I posted on my Steam feed. I'm lazy, sue me.