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August 22nd release and Arcen AMA.

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I decided to memorize this new release date as October 1st.

And when it gets released earlier than that, I would be positively surprised, instead of updating my internal calendar a dozen times during a month. And that way, I would continue to see Arcen as a company that knows its capabilites well, not a one that is overhyped about their own product.

I already commented on this once, so I wanted to make my point clearer, I am not angry or something :) But seriously, why do you pick a date which can be reached if everything goes super well, and let everyone know about that date without adding any error margin (like 2 weeks or smt). You dont have to really behave according to that date you know, you can always use extra time for marketing, or if not early releases seem always positive thing to me.

New screenshots looks progressively better, and I already said neat for the ones in two posts earlier. So I am liking what I will get after you are done, it is just that I have problems that how do you manage deadlines in front of the public. While I usually appreciate the transparency, it this case, I think the opposite. We dont have to know your actual deadlines that is being shaped up by financial & technical capabilites, and we really dont need to learn any suboptimal events that shifts release 3 days. You should have internal and external release dates, and about changing the external one, you should be more conservative I think.

This really seems unprofessional to me, so I wanted to make my point clear. I know how much you love this stuff, but not every consumer cares about it. What is visible to the public eye is this:

In July 5, even within the post it is mentioned, there was a delay. Now think about an average consumer that was interested in the game after reading that, and checking out the news here. Before even reading what you added with each delay, in the first look he will see a dozen of delays. He will not spend additional 30 minutes to read your posts to see that the delay was not caused because of you dont care, it is the exact opposite. What I am saying is only that you should not gamble around with this.

Of course I am not trying to teach you your job, this is only a view from a fan, but still can see how may the others think.


--- Quote from: tombik on August 12, 2016, 09:33:36 am ---I decided to memorize this new release date as October 1st.

And when it gets released earlier than that, I would be positively surprised, instead of updating my internal calendar a dozen times during a month. And that way, I would continue to see Arcen as a company that knows its capabilites well, not a one that is overhyped about their own product.

I already commented on this once, so I wanted to make my point clearer, I am not angry or something :) But seriously, why do you pick a date which can be reached if everything goes super well, and let everyone know about that date without adding any error margin (like 2 weeks or smt). You dont have to really behave according to that date you know, you can always use extra time for marketing, or if not early releases seem always positive thing to me.

New screenshots looks progressively better, and I already said neat for the ones in two posts earlier. So I am liking what I will get after you are done, it is just that I have problems that how do you manage deadlines in front of the public. While I usually appreciate the transparency, it this case, I think the opposite. We dont have to know your actual deadlines that is being shaped up by financial & technical capabilites, and we really dont need to learn any suboptimal events that shifts release 3 days. You should have internal and external release dates, and about changing the external one, you should be more conservative I think.

This really seems unprofessional to me, so I wanted to make my point clear. I know how much you love this stuff, but not every consumer cares about it. What is visible to the public eye is this:

In July 5, even within the post it is mentioned, there was a delay. Now think about an average consumer that was interested in the game after reading that, and checking out the news here. Before even reading what you added with each delay, in the first look he will see a dozen of delays. He will not spend additional 30 minutes to read your posts to see that the delay was not caused because of you dont care, it is the exact opposite. What I am saying is only that you should not gamble around with this.

Of course I am not trying to teach you your job, this is only a view from a fan, but still can see how may the others think.

--- End quote ---

To be honest, this sort of thing happens all the time... not just from Arcen.   The nice thing here is that when a delay happens, it doesn't last a freaking YEAR (thankfully!).  And that it is indeed fully explained for those that desire to read the explanation (many games just go "Oops, delay!  Stuff is happening!" and then that's it).   

There's a variety of reasons as to why this one is happening, and why this has occurred more than once; most of this I know from internal emails, and thus wont repeat because I'm not so sure that I should (and heck if I can remember what was said in these official posts and what wasn't and I'm WAY too lazy to check), but generally, the reasons are all valid.   Same with the reason as to why these games often start with dates that seem way too close in a general sense. 

Overall though, I'd rather see the game delayed... many times if necessary... than pushed out in a bad state.  That'd suck.  While everything is looking good, there's just no way it's ready for EA right now. 

At least, even if there's more delays after this... it's not that long of a wait.  None of that "oops, you'll all have to wait til Q1 of next year" stuff here. 

As for the transparency, I see it the other way around to be honest.   I haaaaaaate when I see a delay from some developer, and they don't bother to explain themselves.   It's like, what the heck is wrong?  Is something not ready.... or did they genuinely screw something up?  One of them has fine implications on the game; if it's delayed because it's just not ready to meet their vision for it, that's a good reason to delay. It's good that they realized that a specific part of the game NEEDS more time to meet it's potential.   If it's delayed because they screwed something up so horribly that a delay is created.... that's a bad implication.   That doesn't say anything good about it, and says that I should think twice about a purchase.  When a developer isn't clear about what's going on, I typically assume the latter.

But it's not just that;  when it comes to EA games, and indie developers, LOTS of them do this.   Not all, of course... some are very tight lipped.   But most of the ones I'm familiar with at least, do this very thing.   Lots of details, lots of "hey, this is what happened here... and this over here is WHY it happened.   This is our next step.  That's everything that's going on, feel free to let us know what you think of this."   People like it when those creating a product are as open about it as possible.  It makes them seem trustworthy due to the honesty. 


--- Quote from: Misery on August 12, 2016, 11:24:21 am ---As for the transparency, I see it the other way around to be honest.   I haaaaaaate when I see a delay from some developer, and they don't bother to explain themselves.   It's like, what the heck is wrong?  Is something not ready.... or did they genuinely screw something up?  One of them has fine implications on the game; if it's delayed because it's just not ready to meet their vision for it, that's a good reason to delay. It's good that they realized that a specific part of the game NEEDS more time to meet it's potential.   If it's delayed because they screwed something up so horribly that a delay is created.... that's a bad implication.   That doesn't say anything good about it, and says that I should think twice about a purchase.  When a developer isn't clear about what's going on, I typically assume the latter.

--- End quote ---

My problem with transparency is not hearing about what went wrong, I also appreciate that. My problem is only with knowing the internal deadline for the Chris, you, Blue and Keith, which in an ideal company should be seperate from what the public knows.

Needing to delay the game a dozen of times is not that neutral itself you know. I know it is for right reasons, but that is not how a general consumer's mind works I assume. One can easily lose the hype that was build up for July, or can just get distracted you know.

--- Quote from: Misery on August 12, 2016, 11:24:21 am ---"Overall though, I'd rather see the game delayed... many times if necessary... than pushed out in a bad state.  That'd suck.  While everything is looking good, there's just no way it's ready for EA right now.

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I also agree with this, and my point was not countering this anyhow. My point can be summed up by the following sentence, even though it would be a bit exaggerated this way:

"When you are about to delay a game for 3 additional days, DONT. Delay it for 2 weeks instead, that would save you additional delays and apologies."

so I put up a post here a few days ago and now its vanished completely??? are people plotting against me? or am I going mad? either way is rather unsettling I have to say.


--- Quote from: crazyroosterman on August 12, 2016, 11:41:49 am ---so I put up a post here a few days ago and now its vanished completely??? are people plotting against me? or am I going mad? either way is rather unsettling I have to say.

--- End quote ---

Based on another thread, there was some kind of maintainence that caused a few posts (a period of about a minute) that were lost.


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