Arcen Games

Other => Game Development => Topic started by: Diphenoxy on April 21, 2011, 05:47:27 am

Title: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Diphenoxy on April 21, 2011, 05:47:27 am
If you were to choose any video game from your past, which video game would give you more nostalgia than any other game?
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: eRe4s3r on April 21, 2011, 06:59:31 am
Baldurs gate  ;)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: x4000 on April 21, 2011, 07:10:22 am
Tossup for me between final fantasy 6 and chrono trigger.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Echo35 on April 21, 2011, 09:20:16 am
Baldurs gate  ;)

I came here to say Master of Orion or X-COM, but I do remember playing that game for hours upon hours.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: eRe4s3r on April 21, 2011, 09:53:57 am
Hehe ;) This is nostalgia no? The thing you remember the most vivid from back then. I was close to mention the settlers or diablo but only Baldurs Gate really stuck in my mind. Its probably what influenced me the most. I'd even go so far as to say that that game is what got me into 3d-design - i wanted to do backgrounds like those! ;P
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Sunshine! on April 21, 2011, 10:19:13 am
A proper Deus Ex multiplayer game, followed by Deus Ex single player (which I still play, so...)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Echo35 on April 21, 2011, 02:02:27 pm
I was close to mention the settlers or diablo but only Baldurs Gate really stuck in my mind.

I remember networking a bunch of computers with my friends and playing Baulder's Gate and HoMM3 long into the small hours of the morning.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Otagan on April 21, 2011, 05:37:07 pm
Definitely TIE Fighter.  I'm planning on configuring and firing up the DOS version in the near future, as a matter of fact, for this very reason.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: RCIX on April 22, 2011, 11:25:37 pm
It might show my age a bit, but Diddy Kong Racing. :)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Sunshine! on April 23, 2011, 01:08:07 pm
Diddy Kong Racing was pretty baller, except I could never beat Wizpig...
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: zoutzakje on April 23, 2011, 04:47:34 pm
I'd say the very first Unreal. I played that game the very first time about 10 years ago, when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was the first 3D game I ever played. For a while I really enjoyed it until I got stuck and gave up after 2 hours of trying (I was still impatient with games as a kid lol). I had completely forgotten about that game until I found out about it on steam 6 months ago. Was so great hearing that main theme again and replaying the part I managed to do all these years ago. I even still remembered where I had to go. Only this time I actually managed to clear the game and I laughed at myself for getting stuck so long ago lol.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Mánagarmr on April 23, 2011, 11:57:45 pm
The very first Descent. Me and my friend used to play that over serial network connection many many years ago. That was teh sweetness. And while we're at it, we can add in Rise of the Triad as well.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: cupogoodness on April 25, 2011, 06:22:13 am
Probably not a standard (for the question I mean) but Super Punch Out for SNES.

I played it all the time, I remember playing it that hour before I was forced off to school, one of those games that you just wanted a taste to get your day started right. I got so good at it that it was at a point where I was trying to shave off time by hundredths of a second to get the best time and a better score. I remember lamenting over the lack of two-player competitive, as I felt at the time that I would destroy anyone, which is stupid to think about now since all I did was gradually memorize the AI sequences and figure out how to counter them for the swiftest victory.

I make sure at least one month out of the year I have my SNES plugged in and available full time, SPO always has a spot reserved (along with FFIV, FFVI, CT, SoM, SMW, Mario Kart and NBA Jam TE, that's actually a pretty ambitious month if you want to complete all the RPGs.)

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I could never get to the end of that endurance test of a game, but it was always fun trying.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Echo35 on April 25, 2011, 09:18:59 am
Probably not a standard (for the question I mean) but Super Punch Out for SNES.

I played it all the time, I remember playing it that hour before I was forced off to school, one of those games that you just wanted a taste to get your day started right. I got so good at it that it was at a point where I was trying to shave off time by hundredths of a second to get the best time and a better score. I remember lamenting over the lack of two-player competitive, as I felt at the time that I would destroy anyone, which is stupid to think about now since all I did was gradually memorize the AI sequences and figure out how to counter them for the swiftest victory.

I make sure at least one month out of the year I have my SNES plugged in and available full time, SPO always has a spot reserved (along with FFIV, FFVI, CT, SoM, SMW, Mario Kart and NBA Jam TE, that's actually a pretty ambitious month if you want to complete all the RPGs.)

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I could never get to the end of that endurance test of a game, but it was always fun trying.

I actually got Mike Tyson's Punchout and Zombies Ate my Neighbors recently. I'm a bit of a retro game nut :P
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: chemical_art on April 29, 2011, 04:13:23 pm
Hmmm, choices...

Jet Moto for the PSX was my first game, and is fun to this day
Metal Gear Solid is the scripted game I beat most repeatedly. I must have beat it a dozen times. Still fun.
Master of Orion is the great grand daddy of all 4X games in my book. Starting to get dated, but its simple so it makes a good game to just jump into.

but as good as all these are, I must go with

Pokemon. That is the game that drags out the nostalgia. I am getting goosebumps right now just thinking about the memories, they were so numerous. I remember fighting a kid who thought Ivysaur could beat Blastoise (Ice Beam, Bisnatch), coming up with all sorts of crazy trade deals with friends (we would trade a dozen pokemon per trade session). I remember using a gameshark to clone a friend's mew, corrupting it, then the both of us trying to recover the lost pokemon before his mom got home and got mad (lol).

*sigh* I'm nostalgia for it right now. Let me dig up that game...
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Echo35 on May 02, 2011, 09:26:19 am
Master of Orion is the great grand daddy of all 4X games in my book. Starting to get dated, but its simple so it makes a good game to just jump into.

MOO is incredibly solid. Still my favorite 4X game (Forget the Civ series!). Have you played Sword of the Stars? It's very reminiscent of MOO. Almost an exact copy/update for that matter, but awesome none the less. Managed to pick up the complete pack on sale for $5 too ;D
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: chemical_art on May 02, 2011, 09:56:01 am

MOO is incredibly solid. Still my favorite 4X game (Forget the Civ series!).

Whenever I get someone new into 4X, I always get them started on MOO. It's light enough to run on any computer at full speed. It's calculations are simple, yet its limited research trees help keep things fresh. The game kept a great balance between simple and complex that lets it be fun to this day. I love trying timed games where in 30 minutes I see just how far I can get with a small galaxy.

Have you played Sword of the Stars? It's very reminiscent of MOO. Almost an exact copy/update for that matter, but awesome none the less. Managed to pick up the complete pack on sale for $5 too ;D

I think I found the next indie game I'll buy. Paradox interactive makes cool strategy games, and from the reviews this particular 4X look good. I look forward to a 4X game of smaller size once I tire of my current game of Star Ruler (a cool game, but bloody huge in its scale of everything)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Echo35 on May 02, 2011, 12:30:59 pm
Have you played Sword of the Stars? It's very reminiscent of MOO. Almost an exact copy/update for that matter, but awesome none the less. Managed to pick up the complete pack on sale for $5 too ;D

I think I found the next indie game I'll buy. Paradox interactive makes cool strategy games, and from the reviews this particular 4X look good. I look forward to a 4X game of smaller size once I tire of my current game of Star Ruler (a cool game, but bloody huge in its scale of everything)

I was looking into Star Ruler, but I have so many 4X Space Games already ::)

Just make sure to get the complete edition of SotS. The base game is a bit... lacking.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: tootboot on May 10, 2011, 07:42:15 pm
The shareware episode of DOOM made a huge impression on me. 
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: mindloss on September 09, 2011, 05:31:57 pm
I love 'em all. Every game listed here (with the exception of Diddy Kong Racing, which I don't know) is awesome, and I still play each of 'em within cycles of about two years. For all-timers, though... Chrono Trigger or MOO/MOO2.

Edit: If anyone's into that kind of thing,

contains me improvising on Chrono theme on piano (track 3) and my electro-dnb remix of Schala's Theme (track 27). (The rest of the tracks are original stuff, but it's all 7-10 years old.)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Nalgas on September 20, 2011, 05:19:11 pm
You guys trying to make me feel old or something?  Some of those would be on my list, along with Star Control 2 and A Link to the Past, but so would older things like Mega Man 2 and Pinball Construction Set.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Entrenched Homperson on September 20, 2011, 11:53:06 pm
Yea, pokemon wins! Though Star Control II is a runner up. I can still remember my first lvl 100, Starmie.^^

Ah man that game was awesome in it's day.

My little cousin showed me his new game on the DS and I made him release one of his pokemon cause it was shaped like an Icecream cone. Not cool.

Missingno anyone?

Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: mindloss on September 21, 2011, 03:06:49 pm
I still play Megaman 2 semi-regularly :)  and I remember playing with Pinball Construction Set, just barely... coming on a 5.25" floppy in a big flat foldout cardboard box...
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: dylanlee on July 31, 2012, 03:33:14 am
I am  most nostalgic for Super Mario Bros. 3
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Kahuna on July 31, 2012, 04:53:00 am
X-COM Apocalypse
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VI
EDIT: OH and Final Fantasy IX! So many good old games.. oh man I'm having some serious flashbacks right now!
EDIT2: arrr I'm gonna have to complete X-COM Apocalypse on Super Human difficulty again and find a way to play those Final Fantasies on my PC with an Emulator!
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Kahuna on July 31, 2012, 05:06:00 am
Yea, pokemon wins! Though Star Control II is a runner up. I can still remember my first lvl 100, Starmie.
! :o I still have Gameboy Color and Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow and Silver.
Star Control 1 was awesome.. and Supaplex.. and Duke Nukem 1.. and Raptor.. and.. and *head explodes of too much nostalgy*
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Coppermantis on July 31, 2012, 03:01:45 pm
LEGO Rock raiders or Super Mario Bros. for the Gameboy color. Sadly I lost my Color but still have a Gameboy Advance.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Kahuna on July 31, 2012, 03:12:24 pm
LEGO Rock raiders or Super Mario Bros. for the Gameboy color. Sadly I lost my Color but still have a Gameboy Advance.
I forgot about that game! I used to play LEGO Rock Raiders on Playstation 1! I still have the game somewhere..
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: doctorfrog on August 01, 2012, 01:35:03 am

Especially the first of the above is an instant transport to my cousin's garage, shivering in the early morning in the winter, playing Batman on the NES on his heavy old wooden console TV, trying to get past the second level.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Wanderer on August 01, 2012, 02:49:30 am
Oh good grief.  I hope the old arcade counts, as nostalgic for me would be the Atari 2600 and that would have to be Pike's Peak, god that game was tough as nails.

Gauntlet, the original.
Sinistar (not a GOOD memory, either.  Gods that machine was annoying as hell)
Star Wars, the Vector graphics version.

Let's see, other nostalgia...
Master of monsters on the Genesis.
Zillion, same platform.
Plane (play it on the 8088 cpu, otherwise you will insta-crash)
Liesure Suit Larry and King's Quest and Space quest... Actually, the one thing I will always remember from Space Quest is that blasted Slot machine (SQ II I think)

Yeah, alright, I'm gonna go meander around old thoughts for a while now...
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: LaughingThesaurus on August 01, 2012, 02:31:03 pm
Gauntlet Legends/Dark Legacy, or Ratchet and Clank, most likely. Unfortunately, as a kid, our Super Nintendo was actually on its last legs when I was able to play it. So, any save I made of Link to the Past or Super Mario World would just get deleted when the system powered off. =(

Ooh! I forgot about Zombies Ate My Neighbors. That game was fantastic(ally hard)
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Misery on August 02, 2012, 04:50:50 am
The earlier NES titles are the ones that'd do it for me.

I'm thinking of games like Ice Climbers or Clu-Clu Land or Sqoon, or of course the very first Super Mario. 

The simple yet fun gameplay, and the stark, crisp graphics with bright colors.... yeah, those'll do it to me.

Also, basically anything on the 2600.  I've always loved that thing.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: tigersfan on August 02, 2012, 06:32:53 am
Also, basically anything on the 2600.  I've always loved that thing.

Me too. Especially Joust or Pitfall.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Cinth on October 20, 2012, 05:48:12 pm
Also, basically anything on the 2600.  I've always loved that thing.

Me too. Especially Joust or Pitfall.
Joust and Wizard of Wor.... And thus began an addiction...
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: rdokoye on October 27, 2014, 09:04:55 am
Let me just chime in, for me, there’s a number of games such as:

Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Sonic 1
Top Gear 1

Just to name a few.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Draco18s on October 27, 2014, 05:15:28 pm
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: nas1m on October 28, 2014, 02:58:31 am
In all likelihood? The Legend Of Zelda II - The Adventure Of Link - on the NES naturally ;).
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: WingedKagouti on December 02, 2014, 11:08:27 am
Something like Bubble Bobble, Hades Nebula, Rock 'n Roll, Ghostbusters or another classic from that time (mid-late 80s).
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Draco18s on December 02, 2014, 06:30:06 pm
Mission XX
I ran into it as an arcade cabinet my church owned (the youth then proceeded to break it, along with a table-version of asteroids).
vertical scroller shoot 'em up.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Shrugging Khan on December 03, 2014, 11:01:57 am
Wild Arms, Link's Awakening, Terranigma, Breath of Fire II.

Probably some others that I just don't recall right now.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: doctorfrog on December 04, 2014, 01:09:00 am
I used to play Cadash with a friend in high school. That'd probably do it.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: stuffedanimals on January 20, 2015, 10:13:28 pm
I guess the most important factor is the music. If the music is sad, I can sense that even though I am playing games happily at that time, I will become nostalgic suddenly.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: paulcarroll on July 15, 2016, 07:55:09 am
Simon the Sorceror and legend of Zelda both games I loved from my childhood, in fact I'm going to download an emulator and play simon the sorceror now!
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Mánagarmr on July 15, 2016, 11:17:06 am
Probably Last Mission on the C64. I played that to death. Or Moonstone on the Amiga 500. Yeah, I'll say Moonstone. I loved that game to death.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Samdirk on March 19, 2020, 07:44:25 pm
I’ve already played so much PC games, so spoiled, now I can’t find any decent games.
I like cyberpunk, gambling, even platformers, if it's really interesting.
Advise your preferences.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Desmidt on March 20, 2020, 10:19:30 am
I like cyberpunk, gambling, even platformers, if it's really interesting.
Advise your preferences.
I can advise one interesting game, which simply cannot leave anyone indifferent who likes such genre. The game is called BomjMan (, it is about weird russians, where the former office worker, and now the homeless is fighting evil and injustice. Beat them, this is the main rule. The real superhero. Graphics and audio provides a unique surroundings. I am waiting for the release of this indie game.
Title: Re: What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?
Post by: Samdirk on March 21, 2020, 09:26:45 am
Evil in the city, homeless superhero, hardcore? This is just what I like.  :) :) ;)
What is the specific release date?