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What video game would give you the most nostalgic feeling if you played it?

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I'd say the very first Unreal. I played that game the very first time about 10 years ago, when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was the first 3D game I ever played. For a while I really enjoyed it until I got stuck and gave up after 2 hours of trying (I was still impatient with games as a kid lol). I had completely forgotten about that game until I found out about it on steam 6 months ago. Was so great hearing that main theme again and replaying the part I managed to do all these years ago. I even still remembered where I had to go. Only this time I actually managed to clear the game and I laughed at myself for getting stuck so long ago lol.

The very first Descent. Me and my friend used to play that over serial network connection many many years ago. That was teh sweetness. And while we're at it, we can add in Rise of the Triad as well.

Probably not a standard (for the question I mean) but Super Punch Out for SNES.

I played it all the time, I remember playing it that hour before I was forced off to school, one of those games that you just wanted a taste to get your day started right. I got so good at it that it was at a point where I was trying to shave off time by hundredths of a second to get the best time and a better score. I remember lamenting over the lack of two-player competitive, as I felt at the time that I would destroy anyone, which is stupid to think about now since all I did was gradually memorize the AI sequences and figure out how to counter them for the swiftest victory.

I make sure at least one month out of the year I have my SNES plugged in and available full time, SPO always has a spot reserved (along with FFIV, FFVI, CT, SoM, SMW, Mario Kart and NBA Jam TE, that's actually a pretty ambitious month if you want to complete all the RPGs.)

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I could never get to the end of that endurance test of a game, but it was always fun trying.


--- Quote from: cupogoodness on April 25, 2011, 06:22:13 am ---Probably not a standard (for the question I mean) but Super Punch Out for SNES.

I played it all the time, I remember playing it that hour before I was forced off to school, one of those games that you just wanted a taste to get your day started right. I got so good at it that it was at a point where I was trying to shave off time by hundredths of a second to get the best time and a better score. I remember lamenting over the lack of two-player competitive, as I felt at the time that I would destroy anyone, which is stupid to think about now since all I did was gradually memorize the AI sequences and figure out how to counter them for the swiftest victory.

I make sure at least one month out of the year I have my SNES plugged in and available full time, SPO always has a spot reserved (along with FFIV, FFVI, CT, SoM, SMW, Mario Kart and NBA Jam TE, that's actually a pretty ambitious month if you want to complete all the RPGs.)

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I could never get to the end of that endurance test of a game, but it was always fun trying.

--- End quote ---

I actually got Mike Tyson's Punchout and Zombies Ate my Neighbors recently. I'm a bit of a retro game nut :P

Hmmm, choices...

Jet Moto for the PSX was my first game, and is fun to this day
Metal Gear Solid is the scripted game I beat most repeatedly. I must have beat it a dozen times. Still fun.
Master of Orion is the great grand daddy of all 4X games in my book. Starting to get dated, but its simple so it makes a good game to just jump into.

but as good as all these are, I must go with

Pokemon. That is the game that drags out the nostalgia. I am getting goosebumps right now just thinking about the memories, they were so numerous. I remember fighting a kid who thought Ivysaur could beat Blastoise (Ice Beam, Bisnatch), coming up with all sorts of crazy trade deals with friends (we would trade a dozen pokemon per trade session). I remember using a gameshark to clone a friend's mew, corrupting it, then the both of us trying to recover the lost pokemon before his mom got home and got mad (lol).

*sigh* I'm nostalgia for it right now. Let me dig up that game...


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