Wow... 12% of your entire income since release in such a short time is huge... I mean yeah, it puts you in the most prominent section of the entire sale for 8 hours or so, but wow.. I never expected that to have such a large impact
Yeah, given how phenomenally this game has sold, I had no idea it would be that huge here, either. None of us had an expectation that it would be this prominent.
Is the selection for this random and/or do you get informed beforehand?
I probably shouldn't answer that because of NDA, I wish I could.
Either way, does that mean you now broke even on TLF production costs? Because that would be neat, since I am kinda hoping/waiting for that 4x and the more money you can throw at it the better it will become.
Yep! I had not tallied up everything recently, not since last payroll, and I was projecting us at 93% to break-even at that point, conservatively ignoring some stuff. Erik ran some more accurate numbers this morning, looking at all vendors and also including the last couple of days. As of this morning we were at 120% of break-even for this title,
including the cost of the first expansion. So that's pretty sweet.
At this stage we basically have enough money to go full-force until next April on the 4X, which is very exciting and a nice change of pace from always being a few months from doom. And of course that "until next April" is assuming $0 earned from this morning until forever, which of course is false. But, being conservative fiscally, that's how I like to look at it since future earnings are so unpredictable.
For once things are actually going our way!
Even back in the history of AI War, we were always fighting to have enough money to finish this or that project. This is literally the first time in the history of Arcen where that hasn't been the case. Now it's our game to lose, of course, so we can't get complacent or anything.