Other > Game Development
New Game Ideas?
I want a remake of 7 Cities of Gold but instead of Indians, Human survivors of the post-AI apocalypse. While people are off doing great deeds against the machine, what about the resistance groups? How about a game where you try and locate human survivors on an AI War-like map (and get to witness AI War battles) but are instead focused on rebuilding human culture while staying under the AI Radar? The human cities would lack certain goods which the player would arrange to have transported back and forth, Neinzul would try to raid you and the settlements, Zenith would try to sell you ridiculously over-priced toaster ovens....
It'd be Valley in Space!
Spire dating sim
bring back Exodus Starport 28
Actually, what I'd like to see that hasn't already been done well (though this is really outside the usual Arcen fare) is a flight action game (either atmospheric or in space). There's been a lot of attempts at doing it right on the PC in the past decade, but none that quite get it, so I'd like for some imaginative indie dev like Chris to have a go.
How about trying the multi-player NFL Game Day Heroes at http://nflrz.nflrush.com/mobileapps/game-day-heroes ? It sure got me and my pals hooked. :D 8)
--- Quote from: Histidine on August 20, 2014, 07:10:14 am ---Spire dating sim
bring back Exodus Starport 28
Actually, what I'd like to see that hasn't already been done well (though this is really outside the usual Arcen fare) is a flight action game (either atmospheric or in space). There's been a lot of attempts at doing it right on the PC in the past decade, but none that quite get it, so I'd like for some imaginative indie dev like Chris to have a go.
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Kind of like Luftrausers? I've not played it, but it looks like what you describe.
--- Quote from: Coppermantis on September 08, 2014, 03:27:58 am ---Luftrausers?
--- End quote ---
Hmm, looks rather like a 2D shooter in a quasi-WWII setting. I was actually thinking something along the lines of Ace Combat.
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