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Innovation in TD games

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wait, baracade towers? isn't that called plants vs zombies? while real tower defense should be observing the awesomeness of your awesome weapons destroying defenseless but high health zombies

or immobile manpower against offensive army that attacks everything

I think the old TD games i played in custom StarCraft maps 13 years (or so?) ago had it so that the units killed your sturctures if you walled em in.

However, I am also fond of passive TD games. Passive do not mean you can not make a maze, I think Defence Grid allowed that, and would just prevent you from making a block to the path rather then killind the turrets.

In general tho, I kinda perfer that the creeps not fight back :P.

Not really sure why I like TD games either, maybe its the fact that I can play a game, think a little bit about strategy, and its all over in a few minutes without taking too long :).

I have high hopes for Arcens version tho, I know it will be among the best ;)

I like TD games too :D

A personal favorite is bubble tanks TD: http://armorgames.com/play/1920/bubble-tanks-2, it has quite a bit of flexibility and you have to adapt your building strategies to obstacles in the different levels.

I also came across a another TD/RTS-hybrid a few weeks back were the monsters fight back - http://www.puppygames.net/revenge-of-the-titans/ -  it also got awesome retro space invader monsters  ;D

A bit of a history lesson:
Tower defense games started with starcraft custom maps. People would have to build a base, and enemies with no attack abilities would walk around in a circle outside the bases and players would have to build whatever they could to stop there from being too many in the circle.

Later, people removed the ability for players to build units, and you had to do this with just towers

Then, users were allowed to place maps "in" the path of the units, and the units were given "move" orders to the next corner of the map. If the units couldn't get there, then they'd default to normal behavior (which is what happens if you give units an impossible move order in starcraft) and try to attack. This is where the "trapped units attack" rule comes from.


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