Author Topic: Extra Credits Indie Fund  (Read 4071 times)

Offline Nenad

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Extra Credits Indie Fund
« on: December 07, 2011, 03:32:37 pm »
Before you start watching or reading I just want to tell you that the point of the video and text is the same. You can read, watch or both. Do as you please. (No luck finding out how to embed  ::) )

Extra Credits Indie Fund
Inspirational Relevant Fascinating
Games can be better

We as a community can make games better

We do not have to wait on corporate giants to make games better

The first steps will be small...but they will lead to great things

This fundraiser was about allowing someone to continue to do the work they love and ensuring that they were never cut off from their passion. Once Allison is well, we’d like to use any excess money to pay that forward by helping to create jobs that allow others to build their dreams, and, in doing so, maybe change the industry for the better. We would like to create a fund to publish quality games.

We won’t be starting with triple A titles or multimillion dollar projects. We will start with independent games that are small enough to take risks and to deliver experiences that might really have an impact on the medium. Dan, Allison and I will contribute our expertise to help ensure that the money spent has the best possible chance of making a difference; we won’t take any money from the fund and any profits earned off titles published will go back into the fund to help kick start additional games.

It is our hope to expand who gets to be a game developer and our plan to change how games are published.

Here are the core principles that define how we believe a game publisher should operate; principles we will operate under:

1. Transparency and communication.

You, the Extra Credits community, will know everything: when we fail, when we succeed. There will be no PR spin; you’ll be involved in everything we do.

2. IP ownership

We will never ask developers to give up their intellectual property. It’s their world: no one should keep them from building it.

3. Single Game Deals

If a developer works with us more than once it should be because they want to, not because they’re contractually obligated to.

4. Straight 50-50 split of profit

The fund is not about us and them, “publisher” and “developer”, we’re in this together, we’re partners. We’ll split the profits equally on any project we work on.

Extra Credits has shown us what openness about the industry can do, but these weeks have taught us that the time for talk alone is done. With your help we can move the medium forward. And if we can keep a few people employed doing work they love, rather than jobs they hate, and can create a few jobs in this economy then we’ve done the right thing.

Because games matter…"

Source: RocketHub and Penny Arcade

I think this is bigger than just games and publishing, it has potential to really be great. For something like this it takes more than games to do it, it takes character. I am seeped off my feet. I'm watching my greatest wishes come true right in front of my eyes. Let's just hope the succeed! Or don't hope - help by donating on RocketHub (link above).

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Re: Extra Credits Indie Fund
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 03:36:19 pm »
Very cool!
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!


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