Yea, I love the idea of bitwise tries particularly, but all the cases I've thought to use them on (like the lookup for ForegroundObject's in AIW, since they're always uniquely identifiable by a 32-bit int primary key) don't seem like good use cases because as the number space approaches full the memory size of the trie structure would approach 2^32*sizeof(node) bytes. That's more than a theoretical concern because the IDs cannot be reused; obviously the game would go bonkers once it ran out of IDs anyway but the memory consumption of the trie would become highly non-trivial fairly early on. Of course, a smart trie implementation could "hollow out" the actual in-memory bits that corresponded to leaves and sub-trees of dead-and-gone units. But it would depend on the distribution of deaths for actually being able to dump large swaths, etc. As long as every 64th unit (in creation order) was still alive, for example, you'd still be approaching 2^26 nodes.
Or am I missing something about those wonderful little binary-math-exploiting structures?