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Code Sharing

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I was wondering what Arcen uses to share the code between the two programmers. Is it a part of Unity? Or do you use something else?

We use SVN.  Specifically, RepositoryHosting.com.  On windows we're using both VisualSVN and TortoiseSVN, and on OSX I use Versions.

Unity has its own source control system, but it didn't look very good.  Having spent many years using SourceSafe, I wasn't about to give up my SVN anytime soon. ;)


--- Quote from: x4000 on February 04, 2011, 05:07:15 pm ---We use SVN.  Specifically, RepositoryHosting.com.  On windows we're using both VisualSVN and TortoiseSVN, and on OSX I use Versions.

Unity has its own source control system, but it didn't look very good.  Having spent many years using SourceSafe, I wasn't about to give up my SVN anytime soon. ;)

--- End quote ---

Oh dear lord, SourceSafe.  :o *goes into a corner and goes into a fetal position* 

Cool! Whenever I want to share some of my little things I use Dropbox. The 30 day rollback feature is nice. As well as how hassle free it is.

Chris, how do you handle version control relative to the overall Unity project then?  Do you only check in and commit directories with your C# code?  I'm just getting started with Unity (I like Mercurial for version control) and I'm trying to figure out a good workflow with the Unity system and maintain good version control practices.  My initial idea (I'm just getting rolling here) is to only commit code directories within the project while leaving bigger binary files as they are within Unity...


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