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A big congratulations to Arcen Games

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I just want to say that it has been a while since I've come across a game as satisfying as AI War. As an indie developer, Arcen Games is, in my opinion, producing games of much higher quality than some other, often much larger, companies in the business. Arcen Games is definitely a hidden jewel.

Completely agree.  I've become very disenchanted with the major gaming industry, you just hear story after story of games being released with horrendous glitches, bugs and balance issues.  Granted, 4.0 wasn't the smoothest release, and 5.0 has its issues, but the game is still extremely fun and playable, so I'm not worried in the least.

Thanks so much! :)


--- Quote from: Sunshine! on February 11, 2011, 09:42:51 am ---Completely agree.  I've become very disenchanted with the major gaming industry, you just hear story after story of games being released with horrendous glitches, bugs and balance issues.  Granted, 4.0 wasn't the smoothest release, and 5.0 has its issues, but the game is still extremely fun and playable, so I'm not worried in the least.

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For me it's not so much about glitches, bugs, and balance issues - I think nearly every game will suffer from these things upon release. I really like the way AG follows up their releases with support and further development. I find a lot of games being produced nowadays are of the cookie-cutter type with too much effort going into graphics in order to compensate for poor infrastructures and little to no support or development after release. I think Arcen Games got it absolutely right in prioritizing gameplay over graphics, although I wouldn't mind seeing some updates to the graphics. :)

One thing that really makes me want to support game developers like AG is the business model and approach to DRM. I have literally passed on some highly-rated games offered for very cheap on Steam sales just because of the type of DRM they come with. And even though I'm new to these forums, just browsing around I really like how the developers are actively involved with the community. It reinforces that they care about their games.

Yeah, the cookie cutter part with graphics being the main selling point bothers me as well.  It bothers me when game reviews place the highest emphasis on graphics because of the "immersion" factor (PC Gamer and IGN are notorious for this), when in reality poor graphics but excellent gameplay can be just as immersive.  They forget that Counterstrike is still one of the most popular first person shooters ever, and it's dated.  That and I look at game graphics these days and everything looks too shiny.  Everything has too much contrast.  Everything is too brown.  Everyone got bored with the WW2 phase, so now it's a hyper-realism phase.  And the RTS world isn't doing any better with Starcraft 2 not really bringing anything new to the table in terms of multiplayer (for as fun as it may be).


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