Other > Exodus Of The Machine

Note: this game is completely canceled.

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Perhaps after the new 4X game comes out you could think about EotM?  A 'strategic' Oregon Trail type of game?



Nope, I don't see this one ever coming back, sorry.  Our ideas for it didn't work out, and we'd have to do all-new art and so forth for it, too.

Well thank you anyway, it was a nice thought though.  :)


--- Quote from: x4000 on May 27, 2014, 04:54:07 pm ---Nope, I don't see this one ever coming back, sorry.  Our ideas for it didn't work out, and we'd have to do all-new art and so forth for it, too.

--- End quote ---
I still wonder what happened. Initially I thought that there may be something contractual here so you can't tell, but now a year later I'm leaning towards the idea that it's too embarrassing to tell the details  :)

Not embarassing per se, but in general we made a lot of mistakes with the project (a good chunk of them mine) and it's not something we find very pleasant to think or talk about :)


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