In other words: if you're going to not try a game because it appears from the store page or wahtever to be a rehash rather than a "new game", then we may not be able to get past that. Coming up with a screenshot and/or trailer which tells such a fine-grained message (like, but not too like, or whatever) past all the usual miscommunication-inducing filters between us and the consumer is actually far more difficult than making a good game in the first place.
Fair enough, but it is a point I've brought up for months now:
In a world where many people have maybe an hour a day to play games, let alone buy them, trailers and first impressions are everything.
I mean, I'm among the absolute top fans of you, in that I've posted here so much for so long, but I simply don't have the time to try demos unless from a 30 second glance the game interests me.
I'm not trying to sound rude, but this is a hard reality. From a 30 second glance, Shattered Heaven didn't interest me, so I've never tried it, so it is has fallen among the literally thousands of other games out there that I don't have time to try.
I'm sure I'm coming across mean, but I'm just to provide a more accurate picture. For someone who has never bought an arcen game before, your text introduction, and maybe your trailer video, makes your game. Period. And from your intro that you've given here, I get the vibe "Oregan trail. Bored of the game type, Pass." Full stop.
I'm trying to help you all figure out how to market this best. You can ignore it if you want. But you should make sure as you frame this game outside your forum you make it unique, and not following another game.