To begin with, please excuse my awkward use of language, as I’m not a native English speaker.
So I have been playing Bionic Dues for a solid 20 hours now and so far having a great time. The gameplay feels polished and the variety of enemies/ how different bot combos affect the challenge of combat seems perfect. The metagame decisions (which mission to pick now, how to set up your exos) are also good fun, even though the customization screen is not very intuitive and could use some polish.
However, I find myself quitting the game roughly every 2 missions because it’s just hard to look at. That’s not saying the graphics are bad. I know they received some criticism, but I actually like the general art style and especially the exo design.
My problem is variety – with every level having the same, dark background and the same dark floor tiles, it quickly becomes monotonous. What this game needs (in my opinion) is a bigger set of floor tiles for different levels, like some brighter colors in civil buildings and clinical white in science stations, neon colored cables in the floor in data centers (hacking), flashing red lights in outrun-scenarios and so on.
More variety in design would help in setting the missions apart visually and make it easier to play the game for longer periods of time.
I’m not a game designer, so I really don’t know how much work new color/texture sets actually mean, but if it’s all possibly I think that this would make the game much more enjoyable to look at.
Maybe there would even be some members of the community willing to help / mod the game if that’s all possible.
I’m interested to hear what you guys think about this and if other players have the same thoughts about graphical variety in Bionic Dues.