General Category > Bionic Dues

Tonight's Screenshot: LOS and Sensors and lit Science Bot.

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--- Quote from: mrhanman on August 26, 2013, 11:51:15 pm ---Oh, now I see (I think)!  The view into the room widens as you approach the exit of the tunnel.  Based on Mr. Lippert's blog post, beyond the limit of the screenshot, the view should widen, yes?
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Oh yes, absolutely.

--- Quote from: mrhanman on August 26, 2013, 11:51:15 pm ---Will there be the ability to zoom in and out on the board, or is the viewport size fixed?
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It works exactly like the viewport in Skyward, since it actually is the viewport from skyward.  Which was basically the viewport from AI War.  So not only can you zoom, you can grab with the middle mouse button, pan with the arrow keys or with edge scrolling, etc.  Only when you move does it snap your view back to your exo.  I'm actually constantly zooming in and out because all the fighting takes place at range, unlike most roguelikes.

--- Quote from: Aklyon on August 26, 2013, 11:52:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: x4000 on August 26, 2013, 11:40:38 pm ---And which had working code in C# that we could use. ;)

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The most important of parts for people who make updates as fast as you guys do, I'm guessing. :)

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Not always, but it is certainly nice.  Lots of the algorithms in our games were either completely original, or in the case of well-studied stuff like roguelikes, implmented from pseudocode or just approach descriptions.  But this one in particular was sufficiently complicated that, yes, the preexisting code was a huge factor.  It was lucky that it was already the approach I wanted to take anyway, based on its characteristics.

Science bot looks great. :)

Now what does it do?  8)


--- Quote from: Tridus on August 27, 2013, 09:27:09 am ---Science bot looks great. :)

Now what does it do?  8)

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Blows things up with SCIENCE!!!! I'm sure.   What the heck else could science be for?

Well, this is looking ever more impressive.   You guys are doing the alpha a bit after PAX is done, yes?  Or am I making that up?   Either way, I look forward to it.


--- Quote from: Misery on August 27, 2013, 10:45:15 am ---
--- Quote from: Tridus on August 27, 2013, 09:27:09 am ---Science bot looks great. :)

Now what does it do?  8)

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Blows things up with SCIENCE!!!! I'm sure.   What the heck else could science be for?
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It can fight kind of okay, but is the weakest fighter.  It has a lot of slots for specialized stuff like hacking, viruses, lock picking, and so on though.  So it basically lets you have a wide array of abilities at a middling level, or a few incredibly-adept abilities, at your discretion.

--- Quote from: Misery on August 27, 2013, 10:45:15 am ---Well, this is looking ever more impressive.   You guys are doing the alpha a bit after PAX is done, yes?  Or am I making that up?   Either way, I look forward to it.
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Yep!  Probably within 2 weeks anyway for the private alpha.

I hafta go back and read all the posts, but just wanted to say the art work on the shot you posted was FANTASTIC!!!!!!   :)  Really, really nice!!  (all the nice details, the nodes on the walls, the different sizes of pipes in the pic, the grid of the walkways, the shadows on the overheads, the brightness on the lit side of the light door, :)  The piping, and the other bots, deactivated? laying on the ground and the new view, the Sensor view? Really, really nice!! 

(Just a quick thought,  :) Maybe sometimes the bot can be on top of the walkway, like it is here and the sensor shows the bad bot on the same level, but maybe 'sometimes'? You could have our bot under neath? On the walkway below? And the bad guy on a different level? So they see you sometimes, but have to run to some elevator somewhere to come down to the level to get at you as maybe the grid flooring ricochets most of the bullets around trying to shoot through them to get at you.)  :)   
Really looking forward to this alot, maybe i can get in on the alpha test and then purchase when you go 1.0? I'm not exactly great with analytical feedback and sometimes my opinions are a bit obtuse.  :)  But i don't want a free game, just a chance to play it with all the rest of you and then pay for it when it goes 'gold', is that what they call it?  :)  Gold?

Some really nice games lately, I mean always was, just... well... i think you know what i mean, really really cool games. Glad they're doing well, hoping Bionic will too!  :)

Go knock their socks off guys!!!!   :)  haha

p.s2.  Sorry, but just thought that maybe the trainers, you know like Meg and the others? Maybe have like, I don't know... maybe 4 or 5 or 6 of them? Well, maybe they can bring different strengths or approaches to the teams they support, you know? Like i don't know, leaning more on stealth for one team at a cost of firepower, or another team with more firepower up front on the bots, but maybe they are more fragile, less armor? That kind of stuff, just a crazy idea, and you probably got this covered already, but it just came to me when i was checking out your screenshot and imagined my bots creeping down the dark lit... corridor, the squeak of metal somewhere in the distance that the bots ignore, but the 'operator'? Like Meg back at station listening in hears something she thinks is... Then screams through the microphone as she realizes its a heavy caliber cannon loading sound that is echoing off the metal walls where the bots are moving... The Lead bot just gets her audio, when the whole front of the hallway EXPLODES!!! Into fragmented metal sharp debris and smoke and a concussion wave that picks up one of the bots and throws them against the wall! Damaging his right rifle arm, leaving him only with a grenade arm on the left to fill in...  :)

The thing with the Trainers, you know? I really think that could be cool, not because of me, but because it makes the bots different from loadout to loadout depending on a mission type, but also because of players styles of play, some are more aggressive and rush in kinds of people, others are slow paced and lets go in cautious and take it easy and see what happens.  :)  At least that is my opinion.  :)



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