Dredmor? This gets better by the minute
. I was always more intrigued by the roguelike aspect of what you shared so far.
The games are extraordinarily different and have very different foci, just to warn you. Dredmor has a lot more things to customize, way more abilities and items and so forth. Bionic has no real items, has fewer abilities, has a vastly larger number of customizable slots, and has probably a reasonably comparable amount of types of loot. It also has the larger meta layer where you are winning or losing as you play, and achieving victories that actually change things as you go through missions.
So a very large part of why you probably love Dredmor is absolutely not here, although they control pretty similarly at a basic level. And in other respects this has a bit more in common with something like, I guess, AI War or XCom.
So did i get you right in that the player always controls a single exo, but can morph/swap it into/with another one that then takes its place?
Yeah, pokemon, exactly. Except "always" is a bit misleading. It's actually "a certain number of times per mission," depending on the strength of your warp core. Which is one of the many many things you can customize via the procedural loot.