I am planning to post some screenshots pretty soon, which is something.

But if you like, I'll leave you with some cryptic tidbits because I'm just mean like that:
1. Your Exos can "whistle" (not in a musical sense), and it's critical to your survival for a reason that is obvious once you play the game.
2. Your Exos are super fragile. Seriously, it's easy to screw up a mission pretty darn fast.
3. There is a stealth move that looks really awesome on your Exos, and which lets you move freely for a bit.
4. The first main thing that changed since my original writeup is that you only control one Exo at a time, despite your roster of four being at your fingertips. This was mentioned earlier in the thread.
5. The second big thing is that the concept of AP (in a tactics game sense) is gone, and instead this controls more like a traditional roguelike. That just felt more natural.
6. Here's a few more Exo portraits if you like.