Rather than respond to these in the main thread with all the other feedback and such, I figured I would pull things out here, in a new thread that can be just devoted to Q&A. If you have further questions or followups, free free to also log those here.
Misery: Initial question upon entering mission: Why can I fire through walls? This is the part that makes the least sense so far.
We're using a permissive field of view, and saying that you can shoot anything you can see:
http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Permissive_Field_of_ViewWhy? Because it felt
awful when we used a system where we used a strict pessimistic line of sight. There's not much in the middle, I'm afraid.
Misery: Is there some way to look at Exo stats during missions? Or look at my inventory during missions? Both would be useful.
Hovering over the exo itself button on the left tells you some of this, but clicking your character (or right-clicking the exo portrait) tells you more.
Misery: Music on the map/customization/shop screens would be nice. They're too quiet, since nothing is exploding or shouting hilarious lines.
Music is not done yet! There are over 100 minutes of music slated to be done, but it won't be ready until sometime in October. Unlike in the past, most likely we will be adding this to the game as it is ready.
Tridus: but there was also no "clicking" noise when you click on icons or menus, and that absence was odd.
We felt like interface clicks were annoying, and a goodly number of games don't use them, so we figured we would not as well. The only sound effects that are planned but missing at the moment (sound effects being distinct from music) are more voice prompts from robots. We're open to suggestions of course, but I feel like it is super hard to get a good mouse click noise that doesn't make me really annoyed with the noise pretty fast.
Tridus: What's a "speciality unlock code"? Typing something in there ("1") doesn't appear to do anything, it just took me back to the main menu with no message about what it did. Also when the prompt to type it in appears after clicking the button, the keyboard cursor isn't in the box so typing does nothing.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

As it notes on that screen, it's not required to play the game. Shattered Haven and Skyward Collapse also have this, it's just part of our internal debugging stuff for the engine.
Tridus: A click-to-move option (ala XCOM and most overland TBS games like Age of Wonders) would be AWESOME. Using WASD overhead is really awkward and confusing to me. (Particularly since WASD is typically go forward/go backward/turn left/turn right, and here it's just the four directions to move in, like the arrow keys.)
Yep, we actually implemented this, and it was terrible. It is just so easy to accidentally move to the wrong tile since there is not a visible grid, and a visible grid looks terrible. And moving multiple tiles at once when near enemies is almost always stupid. And there have to be all these secondary rules about when it should stop a move in progress based on new enemies coming into sight, and the list goes on and on.
In short, it felt incredibly bad to play with, and we couldn't see a way to make it work well, so we cut it. I really don't plan on adding it back, as the basic gameplay just isn't supportive of it. Nor is keyboard-only viable, come to that. WASD + mouse is pretty common for a lot of games with ranged combat on the PC. I'll grant you that most roguelikes are not about ranged combat, though.