I know this was talked about a while ago, and that there has since been talk of community code, etc..., but just wanted to say, and I don't know how many fans are out there, but I really, really loved this game, I keep coming back to it, every so often, getting my @#$% kicked and then starting a new game and trying again.
Anyway... just wanted to ask, if there was still, some possibility of getting an expansion? Maybe something some fan-coders could do in house, or volunteers and put out and a percentage paid out to the volunteers and Arcen getting a percentage and the fans getting an expansion?
I'm a newb business minor and a code baby, as in 'not at all', but well... that's not 100 percent true, I did work on modding a bit for a space game several years ago, but it was like value substitution and path pointers to image files for the ships, so it was fun, but not really complex coding stuff.
Anyay... for the third time, sorry... I was hoping that something about an expansion might be possible, but don't want to stress anyone, or cost anyone any money or time if they of course have to make a living at it too. So...
Is this even remotely feasible?
Bionic Dues Fan....