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Author Topic: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion  (Read 50406 times)

Offline Misery

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2016, 12:08:22 am »
So, this idea is still being thrown around?

Hmm.  I'd go into some detail on things I'd like to see with this game, but that'd be like 20 pages long, having played this to death as much as I have.

One thing I can say though:  THe current science missions suck.  They generate that huge idiotic square of a floor that's just random junk and bots strewn everywhere.  You get next to nothing out of them, too.... if you want science items, going basically anywhere else is better, which kinda blows the point....

Offline ERISS

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2016, 12:15:01 pm »
  i'd love to see the option to move or turn of the toltips for weapons when you hover over them, mainly because it covers up the range showing and it drives me nuts.
Yeah! Or make the tooltip more transparent so we better see the range through.

Offline Captain Jack

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2016, 01:56:29 am »
Oh, neat to see this is a thing that might happen, again with (1) freakin' volunteer. Let me know if you want any extra writings or someone to look over what you write.

I have a desire to see Keith's talent tree somehow implemented, but recognize that it's likely outside the purview of a content-without-assets expansion. Maaaaaaybe with lots of icon recycling on the mech concept art, on a screen you access from the regular inventory menu?

Other than that, ask nas1m for permission to include the texture pack in the expansion/patch? If the spritework carries over, maybe you could repurpose some Starward Rogue mechs as bosses.

Offline Dominus Arbitrationis

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2016, 12:31:40 pm »
As of right now, this project is being put back into cryofreeze. The basics of why are a lack of ideas that translate into an expansion (Most ideas that have been given work really well as free additions to the base game), and it is a pretty bad PR move to release an expansion after the Raptor debacle.

That being said, I do have an interest in providing some updates to the game, so this wasn't entirely a waste of time, and I will still welcome further input on what stuff needs to be tweaked and changed.
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Offline ERISS

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2016, 12:31:51 pm »
For me the store is only usefull in the very endgame:
We know what we buy may become obsolete, so I keep my money and only buy for the end missions when the best items appear at last in the store.
A solution could be to show each turn since the beginning only some random better (greater level) items, and we may ask for some items to be kept aside for us later (it should cost a few).
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 12:40:54 pm by ERISS »

Offline Dominus Arbitrationis

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2016, 10:53:49 pm »
One thing I can say though:  THe current science missions suck.  They generate that huge idiotic square of a floor that's just random junk and bots strewn everywhere.  You get next to nothing out of them, too.... if you want science items, going basically anywhere else is better, which kinda blows the point....

Well, you should be getting rarer science items from the mission, if nothing else. The map generation might be a little out of my depth, but I can take a look and see what I can cook up.

(The one for texture should be made official, applied by default; really, this all black game is not good for selling it..)

Unfortunately, I was not given permission to make that change because it makes the game too bright and showy.
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2016, 08:20:45 am »
hey dominus if this games ever getting updated in what ever way as eriss said could you make an option to turn down the transparency or get rid of the in battle tooltips?.
it just drives me bananas really.

Offline ERISS

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2016, 09:16:20 am »
The one for texture should be made official, applied by default; really, this all black game is not good for selling it..
Unfortunately, I was not given permission to make that change because it makes the game too bright and showy.
Lol. Halas I don't think you're joking here. However, I don't really care, it is sure not an heavy burden to install the packs of nas1m, that I thank again. It's for actually I only discovered BDues very late for the promotionnal screenshots were awfull black so they were repellent. It's actually the uglier black game I saw. I don't think it should be worst for the sell if instead you make the game 'too bright and showy' for the devs, what it won't be for the players.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 11:57:37 am by ERISS »

Offline Dominus Arbitrationis

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2016, 06:28:25 pm »
hey dominus if this games ever getting updated in what ever way as eriss said could you make an option to turn down the transparency or get rid of the in battle tooltips?.
it just drives me bananas really.

Transparency of what, exactly? I can look into both, but no guarantees. The GUI is a PITA to work with.

Lol. Halas I don't think you're joking here. However, I don't really care, it is sure not an heavy burden to install the packs of nas1m, that I thank again. It's for actually I only discovered BDues very late for the promotionnal screenshots were awfull black so they were repellent. It's actually the uglier black game I saw. I don't think it should be worst for the sell if instead you make the game 'too bright and showy' for the devs, what it won't be for the players.
I'm just the messenger. :) I'll be sure to forward that on, but I'm not sure if it will make any difference.
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Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2016, 05:14:20 am »
hey dominus if this games ever getting updated in what ever way as eriss said could you make an option to turn down the transparency or get rid of the in battle tooltips?.
it just drives me bananas really.

Transparency of what, exactly? I can look into both, but no guarantees. The GUI is a PITA to work with.

Lol. Halas I don't think you're joking here. However, I don't really care, it is sure not an heavy burden to install the packs of nas1m, that I thank again. It's for actually I only discovered BDues very late for the promotionnal screenshots were awfull black so they were repellent. It's actually the uglier black game I saw. I don't think it should be worst for the sell if instead you make the game 'too bright and showy' for the devs, what it won't be for the players.
I'm just the messenger. :) I'll be sure to forward that on, but I'm not sure if it will make any difference.

sorry I should have been more clear I meant the transparency of the toltips that pops up when ever you hover over weapons in battle.
I just asked because its really annoying.
if it cant be done then that's fine though its no big deal.

Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2018, 08:46:26 pm »
I know this was talked about a while ago, and that there has since been talk of community code, etc..., but just wanted to say, and I don't know how many fans are out there, but I really, really loved this game, I keep coming back to it, every so often, getting my @#$% kicked and then starting a new game and trying again.  :) 

Anyway... just wanted to ask, if there was still, some possibility of getting an expansion? Maybe something some fan-coders could do in house, or volunteers and put out and a percentage paid out to the volunteers and Arcen getting a percentage and the fans getting an expansion?

I'm a newb business minor and a code baby, as in 'not at all', but well... that's not 100 percent true, I did work on modding a bit for a space game several years ago, but it was like value substitution and path pointers to image files for the ships, so it was fun, but not really complex coding stuff.
Anyay... for the third time, sorry... I was hoping that something about an expansion might be possible, but don't want to stress anyone, or cost anyone any money or time if they of course have to make a living at it too. So...

Is this even remotely feasible?



Bionic Dues Fan....  :)

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2018, 09:13:53 am »
The new expansion coming out for Starward Rogue is basically just what you describe. That said, that one is a lot easier to edit than Bionic Dues is. Right now I don't have the mental bandwidth, and we don't have the people interested in doing the work, for a Bionic expansion to be anytime soon. That said, I'd love to see it sometime in the future! Maybe we can do some form of revamp/remaster with a better name and more enticing visuals, etc. We'll see.
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Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2018, 10:23:47 pm »
Thank you for the note back, maybe like you said, later for an expansion.
Take care,

Offline Pepisolo

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2018, 10:42:47 am »
Maybe we can do some form of revamp/remaster with a better name and more enticing visuals, etc. We'll see.

It's hard to foresee a time in the near future where something like this would be possible but, what you could do is a kind of revamped and rebranded Bionic Dues, but with releases on both Steam and Switch in mind. So, it would have to be more of a spiritual successor than just a straight remaster, but I could see that being relatively cheap to develop, but still being super cool.

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Re: Possible Bionic Dues Expansion
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2018, 09:09:57 am »

I am a .NET software developer in my real life, and have done some modding for Civ IV in XML/python (and a tiny bit of modeling, but I suck at modeling).  I don't know if that's much of a resume for game development, but if anything like what happened with Starward Rogue's expansion happens for Bionic Dues, I'd love to try and be a part of it in some form.

If anyone is starting such a project and wants a little help, let me know.