I have *alot* of free time on my hands, so yeah, I'm up for doing this. I was wondering when this was going to get going after Tigersfan had mentioned it.
I did alot of the writing for the Valley 1 wiki, so I'm familiar with how this works, mostly. I aint so knowledgeable though about the more code-like bits though; when I worked on that wiki, the actual framework was already there, I just needed to deal with the actual text. I can probably figure it out well enough though.
I'm thinking this particular wiki section for BD specifically should go into alot more detail than that one did though. Full enemy listings complete with descriptions of what they do and tips for each one, explanations of each individual weapon.... stuff like that. Preferrably with small images of the thing that's being explained. AKA, things I generally expect from any wiki that deals with roguelikes and similar games. They're exactly the sorts of games that demand that level of detail.