Author Topic: Misery Bot buffs  (Read 3961 times)

Offline Hearteater

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Misery Bot buffs
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:10:22 pm »
From the misery challenge thread and a discussion on how to make misery harder without just increasing stats came the idea to give a new bonus ability to each bot. Below is a quick brainstorm of the normal bots.
AmmoBotEquipped with the best projectile weapon from another bot type in the current mission
AvalancheBotGets to move for free whenever it takes damage
BatBotCan fire immediately after moving if they are in range of a target they like
BlasterBotIt's Gamma-Ray Laser EMPs Exo weapons for 2 turns
BlasterMasterWhen he dies, removes the miss debuff from all Bots in the mission
BlunderBotTakes only 25% damage from AOE
BombBotNow have a range 1 attack.
CannonBotCan move while active and out of LOS
CommandBotBreaks free of player control after two turns whenever virused
DoomBotKilling a DoomBot activates one random other DoomBot
DumBotHave 11 ammo and therefor don't miss their first shot
EagleBotDo not trigger mines.
EMPBotEMPs all energy weapons of any Exo it is next to for 1 turn
GaffeBotRandom movement does not apply while at full health
HideBotNot affected by AOE damage if stealthed
HunterBotStealths after 3 turns out of LOS…unstealths whenever in LOS
Invigorated DumBotMove one space whenever they miss
LeaderBotAll bots near him can move normally (e.g., EagleBot, BatBot, etc)
MastermindBotCan see stealthed Exos
NinjaBotStealthed while not active
PantherBotHealed when it walks over mines
RaptorBotAttritions Exo shields as well (at some reasonable rate)
SilenceBotAlerts nearby bots whenever damaged but not destroyed
StealthBotDeals +25% damage if stealthed before attacking
TeslaBotShots electrify the ground in the space attacked and 1 random adjacent space
ThiefBotGives 1 ammo to each nearby bot whenever he steals
ThunderBotNot affected by AOE damage from destroyed cover
TigerBotStun doesn't stack
TreadBotCannot be immoblized
WyvernBotGets a free move the turn an Exo comes into LOS

Feel free to chime in. Remember the primary goal is to increase the difficulty indirectly by making each bot more complex to deal with tactically instead of just upping the stats. The secondary goal is not to break Keith.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 03:32:27 pm »
One thing that occurs to me is that it might be desirable to have these attached to a conduct named "Misery", such that Expert+MiseryConduct is "Misery difficulty", rather than having a difficulty option named Misery per se.

That way if one wanted to play with the somewhat-more-forgiving stats of Hard, but with the extra bot abilities, they could.
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Offline nas1m

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 03:48:26 pm »
One thing that occurs to me is that it might be desirable to have these attached to a conduct named "Misery", such that Expert+MiseryConduct is "Misery difficulty", rather than having a difficulty option named Misery per se.

That way if one wanted to play with the somewhat-more-forgiving stats of Hard, but with the extra bot abilities, they could.
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Offline Hearteater

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2014, 05:01:31 pm »
Concur with that suggestion. Meanwhile...
BodyBotWhenever a bot dies near him, his current shields are reduced by half instead of just dying.
GalaxyBotEMPs Exo's stealth for 3 turns when it activates
MantaBotCan shoot through obstactles (aka, cover)

Offline nas1m

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2014, 05:39:05 pm »
From the misery challenge thread and a discussion on how to make misery harder without just increasing stats came the idea to give a new bonus ability to each bot. Below is a quick brainstorm of the normal bots.
AmmoBotEquipped with the best projectile weapon from another bot type in the current mission
AvalancheBotGets to move for free whenever it takes damage
BatBotCan fire immediately after moving if they are in range of a target they like
BlasterBotIt's Gamma-Ray Laser EMPs Exo weapons for 2 turns
BlasterMasterWhen he dies, removes the miss debuff from all Bots in the mission
BlunderBotTakes only 25% damage from AOE
BombBotNow have a range 1 attack.
CannonBotCan move while active and out of LOS
CommandBotBreaks free of player control after two turns whenever virused
DoomBotKilling a DoomBot activates one random other DoomBot
DumBotHave 11 ammo and therefor don't miss their first shot
EagleBotDo not trigger mines.
EMPBotEMPs all energy weapons of any Exo it is next to for 1 turn
GaffeBotRandom movement does not apply while at full health
HideBotNot affected by AOE damage if stealthed
HunterBotStealths after 3 turns out of LOS…unstealths whenever in LOS
Invigorated DumBotMove one space whenever they miss
LeaderBotAll bots near him can move normally (e.g., EagleBot, BatBot, etc)
MastermindBotCan see stealthed Exos
NinjaBotStealthed while not active
PantherBotHealed when it walks over mines
RaptorBotAttritions Exo shields as well (at some reasonable rate)
SilenceBotAlerts nearby bots whenever damaged but not destroyed
StealthBotDeals +25% damage if stealthed before attacking
TeslaBotShots electrify the ground in the space attacked and 1 random adjacent space
ThiefBotGives 1 ammo to each nearby bot whenever he steals
ThunderBotNot affected by AOE damage from destroyed cover
TigerBotStun doesn't stack
TreadBotCannot be immoblized
WyvernBotGets a free move the turn an Exo comes into LOS

Feel free to chime in. Remember the primary goal is to increase the difficulty indirectly by making each bot more complex to deal with tactically instead of just upping the stats. The secondary goal is not to break Keith.
These are all great!
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Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2014, 06:21:59 pm »
Should the DumBot have a special at all?

After all, it -is- the weakest enemy in the game  :P

Offline Hearteater

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2014, 06:50:54 pm »
It is a pretty minor special as specials go. And it is misery :) .

Offline Misery

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2014, 06:55:05 pm »
One thing that occurs to me is that it might be desirable to have these attached to a conduct named "Misery", such that Expert+MiseryConduct is "Misery difficulty", rather than having a difficulty option named Misery per se.

That way if one wanted to play with the somewhat-more-forgiving stats of Hard, but with the extra bot abilities, they could.

This be confusing.   Does that mean no misery difficulty + Misery conduct?  Which is probably what I'd be adding it to.

That being said, the bot ability upgrades being a conduct is a bloody great idea.  It sounds hilarious.

This is why I love this community, always helping to come up with ideas to make the players die more.  Er, I mean, to make things more fun.  Yeah  :D.

More stuff like this please, thanks.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2014, 07:02:57 pm »
This is why I love this community, always helping to come up with ideas to make the players die more.
The last 5 years of AI War's history, in a single sentence.
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Offline Hearteater

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Re: Misery Bot buffs
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2014, 10:02:30 pm »
Below are all the special bots. I combined my previous partial list so the normal and special lists are just in two posts.

Absentminded LeaderBotWhen he damages another bot, that bot is broken free of virus control
BodyBotWhenever a bot dies near him, his current shields are reduced by half instead of just dying.
DeathBotGets a free move while active whenever you switch Exos
DiamondBotGains a +25% stacking damage each shot, but gives +25% stacking credits.
GalaxyBotEMPs Exo's stealth for 3 turns when it activates
MantaBotCan shoot through obstactles (aka, cover)
RadarBotDetonates nearby player mines harmlessly and EMPs nearby sentry turrets for 2 turns
RazorBotWill only attacked allied bots if they are already damaged
RecoilBotGains +50% damage whenever a bot in his LOS dies
SentryBotGives all bots it wakes up a free move
ShieldBotReduces AOE effect sizes targeted near him by 1.
SkyBotEvery other other spawned DumBot is an Invigorated DumBot

A couple of specials involve a free move. This is intended for movement only, not shooting. So even if the bot could shoot at something, it will move. This could cause a few bots to shoot if they shoot after moving automatically (like the BatBot's special, or I believe ThunderBot). Bots that are granted a free move move how they normally move (so randomly for BatBot, etc) and cannot move if something prevents them from moving (CannonBot not having anyone nearby).

Vaguely pondering bosses. But want to evaluate them more completely before I decide on what specials would go well with them.