Author Topic: Is there a fixed turn order between (individual) bots and the player exos?  (Read 2450 times)

Offline nas1m

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Because if there is it might be bugged.

I am fairly sure that I suffered the occasional Exo death because a given bot was still allowed shoot at me e.g. before being killed by some (indirect) AOE attack that I triggered (fuel tank, BombBot etc.).

As I tend to play the game like a puzzle (one reason why "On Your Toes" will likely never be for me) and this kind of non-deterministic outcome really bugs me :-\...
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Hmm, possibly On Your Toes is continuing to count down during the playback, though I though I explicitly told it not to do that.

If you can find a save where I can reproduce this, that would be great.

In general if one of your shots causes the death of a bot, that bot should not be able to shoot you on the same "turn".
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Offline nas1m

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This was without "On Your Toes", that was just a sidenote regarding my playstyle :).
I will try to create a reproducable situation the next time I play.

Just a few thoughts on what might be going on here from the top my head (as it might take a while to produce this in a reproduable way - maybe something does ring a bell):
  • I am fairly sure that I have only seen this happening with bots that should have been killed indirectly e.g. by popping a BombBot that are not in the immediate vicinity of the source of the explosion. Is it possible that explosions "flood" the board with one square per turn and that the bot thus has an extra turn of time to shoot at me?
  • I am fairly sure that the respective bot (that shopuld have been dead) did not die even after the explosion reached it, i.e. might be that there is also some glitch involved that saves the bot from the explosion
  • Do all AOE attacks use strength once leaving the epicenter of their AOE? If so, this might be (part of) the issue as well. I am fairly sure that BomBot and Fuel Tank tooltips say nothing about this...
In general this is likely much easier to pin down once a clear death indicator is available for all bots that are caught in a given AOE attack...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 01:25:42 am by nas1m »
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