Just breezed through a hard/ironman game. Team was Assault/Brawler/Ninja/Sniper, Meg was Pilot, and dragon and Tethys were the bosses. This was my first real attempt at finishing a game, and not just seeing what each exo/pilot was useful for. I found hard to be absolutely no challenge, I needed minimal minmaxing to get through, and I rarely was in a position that required much thought about how I would deal with it, beyond basic shoot the bombots first type mechanics. I didn't abuse trap stats at all, and never really had a reason to. The closest I got was having a fairly high (520) number of virus pts on on my ninja. Had all epic upgrades by the end, and hit almost every robot command center. I really enjoyed this play through, even if it was a bit of a stompfest.
So the questions that I have are these:
What other cheese (either semisoft or limburger) exists in the game beyond trap stats ATM?
Did I just get lucky, or is hard really quite easy?
How big of a jump is it from Hard to Expert?
thanks guys, I have to stop boosting my ego now and get back to reading freaking Thucydides for history.